Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo4 months ago

This version of the game is absolute dogshit, it barely worked initially. BMN launcher and a lot of patches made it stable. So overall the game has already been moded hundreds of times. Those modifications were made only to make life easier and have a runnable game.

Analog patch is one of those modifications. It should have been in the original game, it wasn't cause this version sucks. However I consider BMN almost like a member of the dev team of this version. All those modifications were needed to be able to run the game consistently. Supercock is just the result of those modifications to make the game runnable. As I said it's not because the game was modded than the supercock works, it's because we have hotkeys on the keyboard. If you could equip weapons with keys on console version then the supercock would work aswell.

Anyway there has been so many modifications at that point than it's not even clear what should or shouldn't be allowed. It's too tricky. Because where do we draw the line ? If supercock is banned then the analog patch will be on the table. And then maybe the Psycho Mantis No Controller Check patch. And then the music patch etc etc. This would never stop. The only thing that crossed the line for me is the area reloader, but it made VE a different category, even tho it's a meme now.

I think supershuffle is not in cause, it's just the result of having life easier on the game with something the devs should have did by themselves (actually they did but they "forgot" to activate it or they had trouble activating it). I'm not a huge defender of supershuffle, 90% of MGS runners never used it and a lot of them barely heard about it I think, and it's not like it would save 2 minutes on a run, it's just seconds. But on the other hand if some people can't perform it at all then it's a real question. But so far I've never heard about anyone saying he couldn't do it.

Anyway to summarize I will vote A. Not because i'm almost the only one using it, but because I don't think it's a super cheated buggy thing to add in a run like using a gameshark or whatever. To me both points of view are valid, but I don't think it's that big of a deal. And I'm worried about where it will lead on future questions like analog patch etc (I will stop running this game if analog patch is banned btw no more flickering on keyboard).

VolcanicAkuma55 喜欢这个
Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo1 year ago

I personally don't mind the visual mods as long as it doesn't give an advantage. To me, changing the outfit of a boss can give an advantage sometimes, for exemple The Fury and The Boss are hard to spot during the fight, that's an intended feature in the gameplay. So if you give pink fluo costume to them it will make it easier for you to spot them. Same for The Fear who has a camo outfit and if you miss the loop and finish the fight casually it would be easier with a flashy costume. My opinion is : visual mods should be allowed only for Snake and items/weapons but should be forbidden for bosses, ennemies, animals, environment, Eva etc.

Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo1 year ago

So far it's 6 for IGT and 6 for RTA... Actually 5 for IGT and 6 for RTA cause I'd like to change my vote.

After thinking about it, I will abstain from voting. I think both are valids, and I understand concern from people about messing with game's datas. So I vote for none of them and whatever of them gets the final vote I'd be happy anyway since it's loadless and 100% fair to everyone racing the game.

Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo1 year ago
  • Do you agree with the Game Split for SRDC?

Yes it makes sense to me how you want to split it up

  • Do you agree or disagree with the HD Emulator board removal?

I think it could stay i don't really care, it was made before anybody knew about MC. But overall it adds categories so why not keeping it ? Or maybe in CE. But anyway i don't really care.

  • Do you have suggestions towards the new category setups?

Add MC multi-segment cause i want to do some lol.

  • Which timing method do you prefer specifically for MGS3 MC PC - Loadless IGT or RTA?

EDIT : I don't vote, I let people chose. I don't care as long as it's loadless.

Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo1 year ago

I agree !

Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo1 year ago

For me we should ban from Glitchless/NMG the phase 2 cutscene skip where the dialog still happens while Ninja holds his katana for the whole fight. But the phase 2 extension (aka throwing into corner or frame perfect punch) should be allowed as it's not a glitch but just an exploit of how the Ninja was (badly) programed.

To get the cutscene skip you have to do really specific inputs : throw him then shoot him on first frame then punch him on a 3 frames window, so you really need to want it to get this skip. However, phase extension is not a glitch but an exploit and can happen by accident on frame perfect input so it's not a problem to allow it on NMG.

So for the rules (if votes stay as it is right now) it should say : "Phase 2 cutscene skip on Ninja is BANNED but phase 2 extension is ALLOWED". That's the best compromise imo. Also I agree to call it back NMG instead of Glitchless, it makes more sense.

Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo1 year ago

@BigguBossu the communication tower cutscene skip is intended by devs, definitely not a glitch

Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo1 year ago

This is definitely a glitch to me. If it was only for the phase extension it would have been only an exploit, but the cutscene skip is a glitch. The dialog plays while the Ninja is confused and the animation is skipped, it's definitely a glitch. Also, the Ninja has his katana out for the whole fight and has weird/bugged animation which is definitely a breaking of the game. So i'd say no for Glitchless/NMG. Plus it would differenciate even more AB and Glitchless, making those categories really different and both worth of interest.

Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo1 year ago

This will be easy to beat, just give me a month

This guy is a fraud

fknMirky, SilentKuudere 2 其他 喜欢这个
Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo1 year ago

This guy is the future of Abe speedruning, I can tell it !

Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo1 year ago

I thought this topic was closed. But I'm glad it's back, because all I wanted at the moment was a clarification of the rules, because rn it's too vague. First of all it's only possible on Wolf2 and Hind on AB and we already do it on Wolf2. That's why I think it needs to be clarified in the rules. I only see 3 possibilities with this :

1- A boss should have its lifebar depleted to 0 and it should be considered as defeated by the game before you trigger the next boss fight (meaning Explosion Skip not allowed but Wolf2 shuffle allowed as it is right now)

2- The upgrade animation has to be played after each boss is defeated (meaning both are not allowed)

3- You only have to deplete boss's lifebar to 0 to defeat it on AB (meaning both are allowed)

I'd personally vote for 1, so the rules are the same than it is now but it's clarified into the rules that when you trigger a boss fight then the previous one has to be considered as defeated. It's just for rules purpose, cause currently it's too vague imo.

Keep in mind that this is Not possible (so far) on Ocelot, Mantis, Ninja, Raven etc. It's only possible on Wolf2 and Hind because of GME/shuffle and that's why I'm concerned.

Hau5test repeatzzzzz 喜欢这个
Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo1 year ago

I vote yes for turbo. I didn't run VR for a long time but I see no problem using turbo.

But I vote no for savestates. I think RNG is part of the run. I mean I understand why people would use savestates for IL. Restarting a level 120 times until you get a chance to try an IL really sucks. But for full runs I'm 100% against it. So I would vote neutral for savestates on ILs, but no for savestates on full runs (if it's possible)

dlimes13 喜欢这个
Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo1 year ago

I vote yes for emulator version. I mean, MGS2 works the exact same way with codecs and cutscenes and it has turbo allowed on PC, so it would make sense for TTS PC (emu) to have it allowed aswell. But only for codecs and cutscene, so it would have to be displayed on screen if turbo is enabled at the moment, so it avoids using it on bosses, torture etc.

But first it has to be fully tested imo

Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo2 years ago

The last hit on the final boss is when you hit him with the truck in the air

Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo2 years ago

Just a quick question : where do you think the run should stop ? I would say on the last input on Ultimo Elfilis because then it's the end credits, I don't think the secret world to save Leogar should be implemented in the Any% runs. What do you think ?

ChesterWOV 喜欢这个
Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo2 years ago

As far as I tested level 3 fire hat is the fastest one, but you'd have to find the bluesheets and upgrade it so maybe it's slower overall. For level 1 hat, wind is the fastest one.

KaZ_Mods 喜欢这个
Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo2 years ago

Same here (je vois que t'es français, moi aussi ^^)

Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo2 years ago

I'm ready too, already routing the run !

Zumi 喜欢这个
Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceiLL_Pazzo2 years ago

Thank you very much. Since there's an in game timer autosplitter is not important I guess. I have a capture card so streaming/recording is not a problem. I will think about it then. Thank you so much have a good one :)

diggity 喜欢这个
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