Save States on RNG Levels & Turbo: Discussion and Vote
1 year ago
Ohio, USA

I would like to call to a vote the use of turbo. This would be for any button with no limitations. Similar to MGS2.

Turbo would make levels easier to mash certain buttons, such as Ninja 01-03 (movement), NG Selection 02 (choking), or any time you need to choke or rapid fire a weapon like the Socom.

It would also make getting by guards much easier with a menu buffer trick. If you press your menu at a certain rate (ideally 6 frames in DuckStation), you can reliably get by a guard as seen here:

*NOTE: This was NOT done using turbo. It is very inconsistent if not done with turbo.

If vote is passed, we will have a turbo variable for all runs.

Please post any thoughts, concerns and your vote. If you are neutral on the matter but would like to post feel free, but you will not have a vote counted. Yes or no only for votes. Vote will be a simple majority and voting ends July 7, 2023 @ 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

Votes will be updated here as they are posted.

Yes: @dlimes13, @Philosopher, @Hau5test, @Carigs, @ApacheSmash, @RSpeedy, @ShardOfKingdoms, @PlatonicGuy, @lunat0ne, @repeatzzzzz, @iLL_Pazzo, @Setharooni

No: @KingofTheBeez

Additionally, I'd like to call to a vote for the use of save states for RNG based levels.

The following levels have an element of RNG on where the correct guard is (Mystery), guard pattern (Variety 06) or where Snake is (Ninja 03): -Mystery levels 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09 -Variety level 06 -Ninja level 03

I would like to propose the ability to use a save state as you are loading in fixing the RNG and avoiding constant restarts to find the correct RNG.

Please note: This would be for the levels above only and NOT any full game runs.

Please post any thoughts, concerns and your vote. If you are neutral on the matter but would like to post feel free, but you will not have a vote counted. Yes or no only for votes. Vote will be a simple majority and voting ends July 7, 2023 @ 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

Votes will be updated here as they are posted.

Yes: @dlimes13, @Philosopher, @Hau5test, @lunat0ne, @Setharooni

No: @ApacheSmash, @RSpeedy, @ShardOfKingdoms, @KingofTheBeez, @repeatzzzzz, @Plywood

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
Ohio, USA

@Philosopher has voted yes but since his account is banned here is what he said to me:

"I vote yes. Hands are not so young anymore. Also adds variety which is refreshing."

I then asked if it was yes to both matters.

"Yes. I am fine with the Turbo and RNG save state."


as a mod I'll chime in too (running soon) I'm okay with both.

dlimes13 喜欢这个
Rhode Island, USA

Yes to turbo. Neutral for save states.

Turbo would be good from an accessibility standpoint and add some variety to the levels that would benefit from using it. I would just suggest that a simple guide is posted on how it should be setup so anyone can jump in and be on a level playing field.

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
dlimes13 喜欢这个
Lancashire, England

Yes turbo

No save states, I see you are all in favour of it though which is a real shame. Getting the correct RNG is part of the grind and using a function of an emulator to skip that is just weird. I think it's cheating personally and it's the exact kind of shortcut a cheater uses to achieve a time they think they deserve.

It's exactly the same as fixing Ames, PAL key spawn, knockback animation. The levels were designed with this variance, imo we don't get to use an outside tool to change that. Especially something that can only be done on the emulator.

You play a game that has such limited instances of RNG already that you think you can just remove them because they are inconvenient. It's short sighted and it's something you will regret doing in the future.

, RSpeedy, dlimes13 喜欢这个
United Kingdom

same boat as apache on that

dlimes13 CharliCQC 喜欢这个
Ontario, Canada

Yes Turbo, No RNG save states. Apache covered my thoughts perfectly.

dlimes13 喜欢这个
Rhode Island, USA

Apache does make a good point about save states. I voted yes initially but I think I’ll stay neutral on the matter

dlimes13 喜欢这个

Turbo = Yes RNG Level Save States = Let me think about it some more, I'll come back in the future giving a clear answer.

For turbo, as long as its a variable at minimum, then I'm all for it. Turbo is still a controversial topic in speedrunning, so having the option to filter the turbo runs out, or possibly become a sub-category in the future (should the future set of runners want to), is ideal.

For RNG levels, it would definitly would put hardware players at a slight disadvantage. The RNG isn't that big iirc, i think its like 1/3 chance or something like that of getting the right seed (at least in the case of mystery levels, can't remember for the other levels). I am little biased for this point tho, I have some RNG runs a few years ago that aren't on the board that I optimized using save-states :P

dlimes13 喜欢这个
Ohio, USA

The argument that hardware players is at a disadvantage over X and Y is somewhat silly to me. The fact we can use save states for quick resets on regular levels, use essentially any controller with ease, can rebind controls with ease, the fact we have easy turbo (if it passes), the fact we can enhance the picture quality etc etc etc is all emulator advantages that console players get shafted on. Additionally I cannot remember the last time there was any console submission. But that's just me.

United Kingdom

II say yes to turbo

dlimes13 喜欢这个
Ohio, USA

Re: Beez. Totally get both sides of it. I won't die on a hill for any of this. It's whatever the majority wants at the end of the day and I'm fine with it.

Berlin, Germany

Turbo yes, Rng save states no

dlimes13 喜欢这个
United Kingdom

Rng saves I’m a yes to

dlimes13 喜欢这个
Languedoc-Roussillon, France

I vote yes for turbo. I didn't run VR for a long time but I see no problem using turbo.

But I vote no for savestates. I think RNG is part of the run. I mean I understand why people would use savestates for IL. Restarting a level 120 times until you get a chance to try an IL really sucks. But for full runs I'm 100% against it. So I would vote neutral for savestates on ILs, but no for savestates on full runs (if it's possible)

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
dlimes13 喜欢这个
Seattle, WA, USA

I rescind my votes.

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
dlimes13 喜欢这个
Ohio, USA

Save states for RNG levels would be the listed levels only in an IL setting. Never in a full game run.

Chicago, IL, USA

I don't care about turbo as long as it is noted in submissions. So as long as that is the case I'm neutral. Savestates to cook RNG I am opposed to and vote no. Grinding for luck is part of running VR missions broadly speaking. I think cooking RNG makes some of these levels lamer.

CharliCQC dlimes13 喜欢这个
Category Extensions are now live!

Category Extensions are now available for MGS1 VR!

You can find the new board .

We've made a Demo category for Full Game. It consists of 20 levels.

For ILs, almost every level has an available category from either Stealth/Ghost Mode or Any Weapon. See ea

1 year ago
关卡: Sneaking Mode: SOCOM 10
关卡: Special Mode: Puzzle 02
关卡: Special Mode: Puzzle 01
关卡: Special Mode: Mystery 10