Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz8 months ago

wtf when did you start running this gg

Glitchedd likes this
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz11 months ago

spamshot83, jymmyboi and 2 others like this
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz1 year ago

No need, I forgot to add the link in when setting this page up my apologies please see the link below

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz2 years ago

I personally believe running Japanese games on North American consoles to be very easy using the mechapwn exploit. All you will require is a Free McBoot Memory Card and a USB stick. There are steps online on how to do this (link below). For anyone else who may reads this PAL consoles also work for this exploit but has to be a slim console, 50k or backwards will not work for PAL. However if you have a Japanese or North American unit that's a 50k the exploit works. It essentially turns your console into a debug console which allows all regions to be read.

Glitchedd likes this
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz3 years ago

Hi guys!

Always excited to see new players trying out this awesome game, I made a speedrun pack which is specifically designed to help new players get into the game efficiently. It contains everything you need excl the ISO. Emulators are allowed and would advise that as your best move forward since acquiring a DS with a capture card is expensive and rare, alternatively you can run the game on console and use a webcam/camera and film your DS but you need to show both screens. I would advise also to check the rules of this game before starting any runs.

Speedrun Pack:

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz3 years ago


Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz3 years ago

literal god gamer

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz3 years ago

There is already an autosplitter that exists that goes off visuals I believe it is in our Resources Tab. A Load Remover & Auto Splitter directly for PC Port is being worked on but we need time as there is alot of games in the series to build around

dgamefather and 5551raul like this
thread: The Site
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz3 years ago

I would like to request an addition to the platforms 'PS2 HDD' there are close to 100 games which support installation onto the HDD of the PS2 Phat consoles which saves alot of time on load screens. My main speedgame Kingdom Hearts has recently allowed HDD consoles to be listed with normal PS2 runs and we want to help our audience filter runs by whatever respected consoles they desire.

thread: The Site
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz4 years ago

I could be missing a step but I want to add a Variable (non sub category) onto the page however it is only showing the default value whenever you load the page, you can only show the alternative filter when going through filters on the site (I essentially want something similar to what SM64 has with Verified for KH1 with the title HDD instead of Verified.

Possibly due to Elevated Holiday Traffic perhaps?

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz4 years ago

Hi everyone thankyou for voting

We had a total of 67 votes (plus 31 invalid votes)

Here are the results KH1: Merged (BC PS3 & PS2 HDD will no longer be shown as hidden, we will be adding a variable to go on the side of submissions to show viewers whether HDD is used for a runner or not)

KHFM: Merged (PS2 HDD will no longer be shown as hidden, we will be adding a variable to go on the side of submissions to show viewers whether HDD is used for a runner or not)

KH2: Seperated (BC PS3 runs will not be shown on the same leaderboard page as PS2 but will have its own filter similar to PS3/4 whenever runners submit using the console)

KH2FM: Seperated (BC PS3 runs will not be shown on the same leaderboard page as PS2 but will have its own filter similar to PS3/4 whenever runners submit using the console)

KHReCom: Merged (BC PS3 will no longer be shown as hidden, we will be adding a variable to go on the side of submissions to show viewers whether HDD is used for a runner or not

If people wish to request something like this again in the future it can be reconsidered after months have passed and enough people show interest.

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz4 years ago


That is completely fine & I respect your decision not to vote if thats the route you take, however being such a big influence for the games you have every right to vote if you wish.

This is a very good question since it relates to the current discussion and trust me I thought about it a lot, but I wanted to keep the discussion tailored specifically around the PS2 Ports since they mainly refference load time differences not gameplay differences. Although contradictions in the argument can be brought up relating to both problems (aka cost of x $$$) I feel like they are 2 sepearte issues and if the community wishes too we can do this form again specfically tailored around SSD & Console variants for the 60fps games.

However the mod team at this time has made a decision based around the PS5 which can be revised once we can gauge runners interest in the topic with more time (still waiting on firmware updates regarding NVME slot which could or could not be another discussion required having).

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz4 years ago

Hi guys the Mod Team has decided it is time to review the communities perspective regarding Backwards Compatible consoles and how you would like them structured on our leaderboards, please keep discussions civilized and please read the instructions on the form carefully.


Regards KH Moderation Team

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz4 years ago

Incredible work @Zeeweey

Looking forward to learning this whenever I return

BOZAK_115 and Zeewey like this
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz4 years ago

Hi there!

Been a long fan of the game and been interested in speedrunning this game for many years but honestly what turns me away everytime is the RTA timing of this game, I think the efficiently of moving your hero & building your town has a factor to play but similar to RCT it loses alot of flair picking efficiency over strategy. I am a runner who adimantly loves running exclusively RTA style games however I believe Heroes III is in a very unique position where it can stand out as a speedgame different from the rest. The day count formula works awfully similar to IGT like Goldeneye (eg: Dam Agent) a run can have up to 50+ tied wr holders however they could have advised switching to RTA to make it more competitive, however I believe by leaving the timing method as IGT it motivated the runners to think of new strategy and tech to help further push the Time/Days down (Which Dam Agent had and this game could possibly have similar results).

A good solution perhaps could be:

  • Full Game Leaderboards are for Campaign Levels and use the RTA timing
  • Individual Leaderboards are for All Single Player Scenarios and use the Day counting method to rank runners (could also include RTA/IGT aswell if it feels neccesary) I would say a key rule to have to prevent fraugelence is that runs can only be done in a Single Segment.
thread: The Site
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz4 years ago

@R0main any chance can my Category Extension page link to both pages or only 1. If so I would preffer KH1 & 2 CE to link to the 1FM & 2FM Boards since they are more popular pages

thread: The Site
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz4 years ago

Hi my request is in regards to linking these Category Extension Pages to their respected boards.

CE #1: CE #1 Link to: & (already currently linked to 2nd)

CE #2: CE #2 Link to: &

CE #3: CE #3 Link to:

R0main likes this
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz4 years ago

I might be okay with adding Z3 NG+. However I do draw the line with moving No Capsules to misc, No Capsules is the very original Any% category and honestly should be the main, the only reason Capsules was so popular was due to the fact I was miss quoted on the rules and took all the wr's from the og runners without following the correct rules and due to that I believe No Capsules kinda got shadowed because of it.

As for the other 4 categories if there is enough demand for it I could consider it and maybe add into misc for you. As for the rules I will get onto this problem and have it resolved by the end of the week thanks for bringing it to my attention dude!

About Saiyanz
Speedrunning since 2013, I mainly run the Kingdom Hearts series but also dabble in other games.
10 years ago
Games run
The Grinch
The Grinch
Last run 2 years ago
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Last run 1 month ago
Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty: World at War
Last run 3 years ago
RollerCoaster Tycoon 1
RollerCoaster Tycoon 1
Last run 1 year ago
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts
Last run 7 months ago
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
Last run 9 years ago
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Last run 1 year ago
The Simpsons: Hit & Run
The Simpsons: Hit & Run
Last run 5 years ago
Games followed
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Last visit 4 days ago
The Grinch
The Grinch
Last visit 2 months ago
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Last visit 1 month ago
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts
Last visit 7 days ago
Games moderated
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Last action 5 months ago
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Last action 1 month ago
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
Last action 4 years ago
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II
Last action 5 months ago
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Last action 1 month ago
Monsters, Inc. Scream Team
Monsters, Inc. Scream Team
Last action 1 month ago
The Grinch
The Grinch
Last action 2 months ago