Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz4 years ago

Hi guys the Mod Team has decided it is time to review the communities perspective regarding Backwards Compatible consoles and how you would like them structured on our leaderboards, please keep discussions civilized and please read the instructions on the form carefully.


Regards KH Moderation Team

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

Due to recent discoveries with GreenTY's methods on emulating Re:coded the mod team is in strong consideration for now seperating console and emulator as seperate leaderboards on Days & Re:coded and allowing particular changes to emulator settings to have more consistent loads and lag between other emulator runners.

Originally when emulator was pushed by myself and Draz around 5 years ago the main argument was that emulator was considered to be equal if not slower than console which seemed fair competition wise and also allowed the game to be more accessible which would help the games growth with runners. Although not many new runners came along Jel was one of the first to approach me with issues emulating Re:coded. Since I was eager for new runners I allowed him to modify his emulator so it would be runnable, so naturally when Green came to the scene he applied the same methods which is fair since WR at the time was the only person using different settings which was apparently saving time on lag reduction and loads.

The only alternative solution is to force default emulation settings like was intended from the start and sadly remove Jel and Green's runs to create an even playing field, which I'm strongly against since these 2 are very dedicated to Re:coded and it seems unfair to take their hard efforts away. However changing the rules on the emulator settings will now make most runners times minutes handicapped since they have not used the settings change, but I believe if the game is more accessible I strongly push for the growth of the DS Games since they are insanely fun to run

On top of that Zwanzig recently achieved WR in COM Sora Story using VBA Emulator, from our knowledge VBA has been considered a perfectly fine and competitive emulator to use for most GBA games so I believe leaving Emulator and Console combined should be fine.

At least now both of these ideas are open for people in the community to discuss and give us feedback before we make the changes.


  • DS Games are more accessible and will run more consistently the same between each runners emulators
  • More people will have the chance to run the games


  • Existing runs will be handicapped and lose time to new runners due to not applying the new changes
  • A lot of category leaderboards will become empty due to the splitting, but can be filled when new runners come along

Thanks guys! The Mod Team

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

Hi Guys been a while

Just wanted to post some ideas and get some feedback.

  • First topic is emulators, I am glad to see we use IGT now and I am happy to continue down that venture for Mission Mode but I ask myself should we allow emulators? With emulators it is alot easier to cheat, as well it is not official hardware and load times are all different (which can be a huge advantage if you run 100%), I am happy if we keep all existing emulator runs as 'Legacy Runs' but make future submissions only available on console, still iffy on this one but some feedback might help.

  • Next topic relates to the previous but wanted to see if we would like to get Unlock All Characters/Unlock All Levels added that way people can speedrun the Road Rage mode but not be stuck investing countless hours 100% the game

  • Last point is we will need to consider separating these new categories plus 100%, since in the PS2 Port you can exploit many infinite coin loops to achieve the goal and that might make the run really lacking in excitement or skill

Examples (Mainly the first link):

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz6 years ago

If anyone wants to discuss any ideas/changes with the series before KH3 release now is the time (I will exclude KH3 board talk since that will be such a big discussion, a second post can be made for that)

I'll start 1: KHCOM J (Can we discuss if the differences are large enough they should need a separate game), there is still other options available instead of what we have running now, we can just have one COM page and allow JP and english runs in the same board, or we can make tabs like we do for say 2FMHD where we filter JP and English. I am also very happy to leave this, I just wonder if this is similar to Recoded where its only minor AI differences and its just the case of buying the most optimal version to play on

2: I really want to flush out [PS2 HDD/BC PS3] from the PS2 boards, it makes the boards looks cluttered and confusing and honestly no one besides DJ will run this I personally think if at least 3+ runners are actively doing it then we should bother with it. Just some stats for consideration there is over 20+ categories on the KH1/J/FM boards alone that are completely empty, all the others have only a run by DJ, also what do we do about the arbitrary page in terms of BC PS3 as well that would be even more empty boards. I say just cull it until more runners gain interest to consider tracking the history of runs on our page.

3: This leads into the third point and this is a big one merging KH1FM/HD 2FM/HD, This can very easily be done and would make the boards look way more compact and easy to navigate, I hate how we have what feels like 5-6 KH2 game pages (which has console variation tabs on top of that) on the boards seems way to intimidating for anyone new who may gain interest in running the series after a speedrun event or KH3 is out. An example of what it will semi look like is a page I moderate. Some pages may have to be slightly altered to make it less confusing but I believe this would be a possitive step forward, showcasing some of the best speedgames our series has to offer right there on the first page

Any% | All Worlds | JJ 100% [PS2] [PS3] [PS4] (Beginner) (Standard) (Proud)

4: I have half done the series with game covers so you guys can get an idea of how different the series looks with logos and with game covers please refer to this tweet and vote on what you prefer the look of to gain feedback on the decision process.

5: Lastly I have gone ahead and already done this but I manually changed the dates of the Extension/Arbitrary category pages so they are at the end of the list, so that way when people click on the series page they see the main games, thoughts?

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz6 years ago


Wanted to start a new discussion around changing the rules for Any% & 100%. So currently the rules of submitting a run is starting at first input [sda timing] and ending when the victory cutscene begins when you win the arctic pursuit race w/ 125 tokens.

I wish to vouch for an alteration, I believe the reason why we do Arctic Pursuit in the first place is to be able to trigger the Bronze medal cutscene which will only trigger after completing the race, however I believe the 125 token rule isn't a necessity. You are able to lose the race or win without 125, after selecting return to Main Menu the cutscene will play anyways, wanted to discuss if its worth changing the timing rules (previous existing runs would only lose around 5-10 seconds). I vouch for Win/Lose race w/o 125 requirement

Tathlibash, ViperUK and 3 others like this
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz6 years ago

Hi guys

There is some things I wanted to cover in a post to get some feedback on since I have some minor suggestions to make, to make the leaderboards look more visually nice and simplistic. If you look at The Grinch leaderboards or DBZ Budokai 1 we use sub categories to simplify and prevent clutter on the boards so basically Any% 100% [PC / Console] [PC/Console]

I am happy to help make this possible I can copy & paste how the grinch boards work here then unmod myself if you are willing to consider this visual change

Secondly wanted to question why Fast Disc Speed is banned, I understand that in the rules it says it doesn't work but I have had several people come to my streams saying that its worked for them in the past, my PS1 copy should be coming soon so I can test this myself but if it does work, could we consider unbanning this rule since it seems kinda silly since no other PS1 games I know of ban FDS. If your worried about loss of runners due to EMU being slower you can always add a subcategory called Emulator so that way people are free to run on what they like!

Love to hear back and loving running this game so far :)

Lifion, Xindictive and 3 others like this
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz6 years ago

Hi guys,

Over the recent weeks I know many runners were in discussion on reconsidering altering the rule of requiring a timer in your video of submissions. After getting feedback from the moderating team we have come to a majority vote decision to allow runs to be submitted without a timer displayed on the video. HOWEVER All Games which use Emulator eg: Days/Recoded/COM must require a timer on stream/video for submission.

Secondly I wanted to mention we are bringing back KHSpeedruns twitter account, we will predominantly be using the twitter to announce moderating changes to the leaderboards and other minor things like shouting out runners who achieve great things eg: Major glitch discovery, World Records or speedrun youtube content. I believe this will give a great central place to check up on updates regarding the community and what plans we decide to make moving forward. DM's on the account will be left open but I advise messaging the moderators through Discord for more efficient replys. I hope this is a move people are happy with we are always open to hearing out new ideas and taking votes on potential changes never feel to shy to contact us with your ideas!


Thanks again guys Saiyanz~

BlitzPhoenix98, desa and 7 others like this
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz6 years ago

Hope this is helpful for anyone, credit goes to Hashii for helping me a few months back

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz7 years ago

The talking is in the works to add IGT in, but maybe its time to reconsider after 2 years to remove Emulator times, which yes includes my WR time essentially this would kill half of the leaderboards but atleast its on more legal and fair grounds since setting up the emu can be a pain to get optimal loads and emu is far faster than any other console, really hate the idea of returning but I see there is a small group of passionate people here and dont want to spoil there fun by having unbalanced leaderboards

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz7 years ago

Yo so I quickly made this video and did some timing and testing please read the description for how I went about timing, from a rough calculation I believe PC is 4 and a half to 5 minutes faster than PS2 purely in loads, however I feel the PC Version takes longer to skip cutscenes and there are certain things the PC Version does not have such as the analog stick movement for The Grinch & Max, I have heard certain things dont work on PC dont know if this is true, all of this needs further investigating but maybe a discussion on the future of the boards would be nice personally would hate to see my run get beaten which I have put alot of effort into over an unoptimized PC Run, but at the same time I dont mind if we keep both consoles merged would just like to know nowish and establish some ruling on this.

Video Refference:

Jumpyluff and MasterLeoBlue like this
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz7 years ago

@user7899 I was wanting to enquire about your step process with getting the PC Version to work on your PC I myself am running a Windows 10 PC/GTX 1070/16GB Ram, is there any 3d party program I need to use to get this working, thanks.

MasterLeoBlue likes this
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz7 years ago

Could add stuff like Korriban or Dromand Kass IL's where you need to do all the missions or story missions as quickly as possible and could restrict rules so it flows like you would be starting a new character or max level cap legacy or legacyless

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz8 years ago

I do see on the leaderboards a way to do No Loads if I just have Alternative Timing Method active on Livesplit it should work right? Also will there ever be an auto splitter for this game?

BOZAK_115 likes this
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz8 years ago

If you have a Game/Category that you wish to be added feel free to request below

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz8 years ago

One thing that's always bothered me is not having an Any% Category as ill leave a link to a friend of mine Tackify has done full on routing and runs of Any%, he has routed the category significantly, made notes and done countless runs to an optimal level. I see this category as a big appeal for people to try and would like to request that this gets added to the leaderboards if approved

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz9 years ago

I wanted to bring up a quick Forum, promoting the idea that we can use Desume 0.9.10 aswell as .9.11

Since no one really runs this game I doubt this will be a big discussion but I just want to bring up the fact that Desume .9.11 Crashes at credits which makes 100% impossible to do on Emulator, was there a particular reason it was chosen over .10? When me and Drazerk did load time difference testing we tested on .9.10 I imagine the reason .9.11 was chosen was due to it being the most recent version and maybe stable?

What are your thoughts if we can use Desume 0.9.10 again?

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz9 years ago

I have added Themes to suit each game in the series, this is nowhere near its final draft. I planned on lowering the intensity of photos and making it more greyed so you can read the text easier, I spoke with Hobz and he preffers the idea of a more subtle look with CSS. I was suggested to make a thread on this, do you like the idea of Themes or ? and if you do and want to suggest images please let me know :)

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz9 years ago

Is there a reason that all runs are done on GCN?, I would imagine PC is superior for Loads but are glitches patched or something?

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz9 years ago

You could debate this is a topic which should not be asked here, but I was intrigued on learning the RTA for this on PC but it seems like capturing gameplay will be an issue since its forced into full screen, is there a mod launcher or a way to play this game in windowed?

Zacc and WiiSuper like this
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz9 years ago

What exactly do you define as All Stories I am just curious as categories for things like 'Broly, Teen Gohan' eg have not been added to the leaderboards as of yet and was curious where you were planning on going about it.

About Saiyanz
Speedrunning since 2013, I mainly run the Kingdom Hearts series but also dabble in other games.
10 years ago
Games run
The Grinch
The Grinch
Last run 2 years ago
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Last run 1 month ago
Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty: World at War
Last run 3 years ago
RollerCoaster Tycoon 1
RollerCoaster Tycoon 1
Last run 1 year ago
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts
Last run 7 months ago
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
Last run 9 years ago
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Last run 1 year ago
The Simpsons: Hit & Run
The Simpsons: Hit & Run
Last run 5 years ago
Games followed
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Last visit 2 days ago
The Grinch
The Grinch
Last visit 2 months ago
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Last visit 1 month ago
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts
Last visit 5 days ago
Games moderated
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Last action 5 months ago
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Last action 1 month ago
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
Last action 4 years ago
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II
Last action 5 months ago
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Last action 1 month ago
Monsters, Inc. Scream Team
Monsters, Inc. Scream Team
Last action 1 month ago
The Grinch
The Grinch
Last action 2 months ago