New Slightly Faster way to OOB on Vendetta
4 years ago

Hey guys, i found a slightly faster way to go out of bounds on Vendetta yesterday while learning the speedrun of the game. Here is the video : I've made a comparison. That out of bound is harder and riskier but faster. In this example it saves 16 secs approximately. I don't think it has been founded yet sorry if it is. Pretty funny at the end Reznov ends up stuck with the mannequin.

Washington, USA

I knew something like this was possible! Good discovery man

BOZAK_115 and Zeewey like this

Thanks Mixtraa!

BOZAK_115 likes this
Western Australia, Australia

Incredible work @Zeeweey

Looking forward to learning this whenever I return

BOZAK_115 and Zeewey like this
United Kingdom

Good shit, I messed around on that balcony a while ago but couldn't find any way to use it to get OOB, glad there is still new stuff to find

BOZAK_115 and Zeewey like this
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