MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

Hi everyone. I have been planning to run this game for a while but I'm kinda curious if using 3DS streaming software (planning to use NTR) is allowed to record runs??

I ask this since 3DS capture cards are not produced anymore (plus is hard to find one nowdays) and at the same time I don't wanna use a webcam pointing to my 3DS

MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

Maybe this has been answered before (I wasn't able to find info about this) but checking the rules it says that NTR software to capture footage is not allowed. Does it affects the gameplay?? If that's the case, in which way does it affects it??

I wanna run the game but I don't wanna use a camera pointing to my 3DS (it looks awful imo) and nowdays is impossible to find capture cards for 3DS

MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

For Old Patch runs, which versions of the game will be allowed to submit on them?? Talking about all updates that has been released

MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

Update: As July 30 2019 streaming the creation of the savefile is not required anymore, so, if you wanna create a dummy 0.00% file offstream and use it for runs, feel free to do it. With this said, you can use the same savefile for any of your attempts, meaning that you don't need to create a new savefile everyday

PaunchySloth, Fish, and Kompx like this
MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

For the dummy 0.00 load file is not required anymore to stream when you create the loading file. You can use a 0.00% load file to skip the first cutscene or start a new game and watch it

Will modify the rule in another day, since for know I've been kinda busy

Fish and Kompx like this
MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

Is there an specific reason about running the PAL release instead of NTSC?? Does PAL is optimal??

MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

Is just a mod to replace the Xbox controller buttons on screen for the DS3 button layout (since I haven't found any mod with DS4 buttons). And to use the PS4 controller I use Steam Big Picture since the game doesn't recognize the controller natively

mikunodisappear likes this
MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

I have the same doubt. i play this with a PS4 controller and I would like to use a mod to show the PS controller buttons

mikunodisappear likes this
MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

I would appreciate that. If there's not so many differences with epsxe 1.8 and PS2 SDS I'm gonna add the emulator to the allowed ones

MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

Well, 1.7 is not on the list of allowed emulators since usualy that version is not so common to see in speedruns. Usually people uses 1.8 as the oldest version. Do you think you can give a try to 1.8?? I'll test the 1.7 loading times with PS2 SDS, if the times are similar os slightly slower maybe I'm gonna add the version as a recommend one

MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

I don't have knowledge using Xsplit. Have you tried to use OBS?? Most runners uses it so we can help you more easily to set up it. Idk if on Xsplit you can do this, but in OBS you can stream at a certain quality and make a local recording at the same time with a higher quality (I do that), so, in case you were streaming the game you can have a local recording with a better quality making to a side your connection issues.

Also, have you streamed the game?? It woud be nice if you have the vods of the streams, that helps a lot about having a record of your progress

Also, if you use Xsplit check if the sofware allows you to record in MKV becuase if the program crashes the MKV file doesn't get corrupted and your run is saved (you can choose the recording file in OBS)

And with the emulator don't worry. This was our mistake for allowing it for a while, but then we decided to ban it (mostly for the crashes since is an unstable emulator). So, when you run the game using an allowed emulator remember to submit each pb you get to have a record of your runs. For example: If you get a 48:xx and not a 45:xx like in your previous runs, submit it, this helps a lot to verify your future runs (and also in any other videogame)

And don't worry, I give you the reason of getting upset, I hope you keep running the game but now using an allowed emulator, and it would be better if you can stream your attempts also

matchless likes this
MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

Ok, so, after reading all of these, I need to clarify some stuff:

First of all, I haven't rejected your run because you've used PSXfin. The full message that I've posted when I rejected your runs waswas "After talking with game mods we're [I was trying to put "we've" instead] decided to ban PSXfin due to inaccuracy plus the fact that the game uses to crash a lot on this emu. Your submission says you got this run 2 days ago and you waited to submit it, so, for now don't consider this as a rejected run at all, we'll be discussing some stuff about the emulator to see if your run is gonna be accepted or not. Btw, congrats for the sub44, but if you can give a try to the game with another emu we're gonna be pleased". Saying this I never said that your run was rejected due to the emulator at all

Second, in most of PS1 games PSXfin is a banned emulator since it is not acuurate to a PS1 console, making that loading times gets faster than on a PS1 or PS2 with SDS, plus the fact that, if the games has lag in a real console, in this emulator that doesn't happens. Since some weeks ago I've talked with other mods about banning the emulator thanks to this and adding the fact that most of PS1 runners that uses emulators uses ePSXe or BizHawk (I can post you the timed screenshots if this is required) . You can easily count with the fingers of a single hand the games that allows to use PSXfin, but regularly they have a different leaderboard for the runs that uses this emulator. In case that we decided to ban the emulator we also should have consider into opening a new leaderboard for runs that uses PSXfin emulator (like we have done on N64 leaderboard since emulators had less lag and faster loading times than an actual console) so with these we can give an opportunity to people that have issues setting up the accepted emulators and with this we just have splitted the leaderboard moving the PSXfin runs to its own leaberboard. Also you mentioned that the rule of banned emulator doesn't exist. In fact, that's true, we don't have a rule for banned emulators, but we have a sticked post with a list of allowed emulators, and some days ago we retired PSXfin from the list and it was listed with the message "Not recommend since game uses to crash a lot. Use it as a last resource"

Third. After reading this post and listening to another runners of the game that told me that you made this post I decided to check carefully your new run. I checked the audio through a spectogram and I have noticed some weird things in all your run in general:

First thing: In your previous video you just have game audio but on this one it looks that you added a microphone, and at the same time you never said nothing while using it, instead of that I listen to a lot of noice that dissapeared when the game audio was being played, but after it the noice got back slowly transitioned to the game and sharply transitioned to a cruddy mic very suddenly Second: The pattern with the noice got repeated during ALL the run. As far as I know, all video capturing software has an option to lower down the game/desktop audio when the mic catches some noices or voice, but on this case the mic lowered down while the game audio started to sound, and then when the game audio stopped playing the noice started to appear again as I mentioned on the previous point Third: In the final boss, the issue with the noice was entirely different. Some seconds before you hit Merlock the game audio dissapeared entirely and the noice is back, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut at this time the noice is suspiciously sooooooooo quiet compared with the noice in the rest of the run; plus the fact that inmediatly when you defeated Merlock your recording was inmediatly cut. I wanted to skip that point at the end since some people uses to stop their recordings when they stopped the timer, but, why in this case the game audio was missed before you stopped the timer??

Fourth: The quality of the recording is also suspicious. It is at 480p but it looks so blurry (like if that was a 240p recording), up to the point that the letters on the splits are unreadable; and the audio is also at a very bad quality. Even old computers can handle recordings at 360p with a better audio & video quality than the one that your run has, which gives more doubts about the runs that you made. Also, the quality in your previous run was much better than the new run that you've submitted.

Even Scorpi's run looks slightly better than your recording and he recored this at 240p

Fifth but not less important: As Jess said, you just have submitted 2 runs, there is no previous submitted runs in your profile or your Youtube channel, plus you don't have any other social media that can handle videos in your profile. The new "WR" has a time of 45:25 in the splits, when your previous submitted run was a 45:43. So, where does the 45:25 run is?? If my common sense is not failing to me right now, you got a 45:25 during the time you needed to submit a run using a gamepad viewer, so, I repeat the question, where does that video is or which was the reason that make you to don't submit it?? The video is not on your Youtube channel and it's so suspicious that the first run that you submitted was inmediatly a world record, when that video has a time of 46:27 in the splits before the run starts, meaning that there is another lost video. With the new world record you got 8 golden splits from a total of 20, and any speedrunner knows that in an optimized game is so hard that you get a lot of golden splits (and continuous ones) in a wr run. This game doesn't has so much strats and things to optimize since is mostly a straight platformer. Even in the NinjaCocktail's run he just lowered his sum of best for 2 seconds, having just 3 golden splits. So, this gives more negative points to your run

And after typing all of that and resuming the point of this reply, your run wasn't rejected at all for the emulator used, your runs were suspiciously from the start since you haven't submitted any other run and you got the world record without having a record in the game leaderboards. I was the one who gived you the opportunity to keep your previous time with the condition that you needed to make another run of the game using an input viewer having a new or close time to the time you got on the video where you forgot the emulators runs rule about input viewer. Then I rejected that run since you haven't submitted the run you were asked for during the specified time that was 30 days long, and the new run was rjeected while mods discussed about if it should be allowed or not,l but after a deep review of your newer submission it's official that both of yours runs are gonna keep rejected due to all the previous mentioned point.

I know that you maybe are upset thanks to this, but I really believe that if you use an allowed emulator, you follow the rules and at the same time you can record a video at a better quality (even at 480p you can have a clear image) yp¿ou can get again the world record even with a better time than the runs you've submitted. Also I invite you to submit each of the pbs you get. This helps to have a runner's record in the leaderboard and to verify their future submissions

And as I've said when I rejected your run, congrats for getting a sub45, I really believe that you can beat the time you got with one of the allowed emulators (or in a console if you plan to get one in a future). If you have more doubts or wanna discuss something, we have a Discord server where we talk about all related game stuff and also I have all my social media in my profile just in case you wanna send me a message if you have future doubs/questions about stuff related to the game. You have a lot of potential in this game and we're aware that we're gonna be happy if somebody can beat the actual legal world record ^-^

AutoGamerZ, Pear and 5 others like this
MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

I would like to have the emu, sinc eI've tried to emulate CD-i games before with no luck

MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

An input viewer is a software which allows to show your inputs on screen. The link that Scorpi posted works when you use a controller on PC, so if that's your situation you can use it. If you play with a keyboard you need to look for an input viewer for keyboards

matchless likes this
MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

Some people were asking me about the possibility of allowing to load a dummy 00.0% file in order to skip the 1:17 cutscene that the game has before it can be played

For a long time N64 console runners needed to deal with this while emulator runners just load a savestate to skip this (not recommended at all but sometimes that happened), and then they realized that making a dummy savefile after watching the cutscene allowed to skip it entirely, helping to save 1:17 minutes each time they started a new run, so after analysis, console and emulator runners now are allowed to make a dummy save file each time they start to streaming the game, and then use the file to start every attempt

In order to make your run approved, all you need to do is this:

When you start your stream you can make the dummy savefile, and after each reset you just need to load the savefile you created before.

Saying this, you need to have the option to preserve your past boradcast activated, otherwise your run loading a dummy file is gonna be rejected. This applies also for emulator runs, meaning that now savestates are banned. And if you make an offline attempt (local recording) you cannot make the dummy savefile.

Any questions about this please feel free to make them on this post or to send me a message through Discord

Shoutouts to UI_Jess for helping with the video

UI_Jess likes this
MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

After memeing and consulting Boyks some changes were made to the game's leaderboard:

  • Gnome% is not a misc category anymore, so feel free to run it
  • All Endings: Basically if you're fast and lucky you can get 3 PBs with this category
  • All Cans: The equivalent to 100%. Needed to do this just to see if the game has an alternative ending if you got all the cans. I added the amount on them of the rules, but if you find a new can, feel free to dm me since maybe I missed one

So, after typing this:

MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

I added both PS3 & PSN to allowed platforms

Due to inaccuracy PS2 emulators are banned. Dolphin for GC release is allowed

MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

Due to the recent activity that game got and the interest of people to improve their times, strats and to help actual runners and newcomers we decided to open a Discord server related to DDGQ speedrunning on any of its versions

Feel free to join

AutoGamerZ likes this
MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

PS2/GC release is not active here, meaning that there is a lot of stuff that we don't know a lot of things about this. Maybe this is something common, maybe not, looks like tihis this is a messae you get when you beat an especific time on a time trial

MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

I'm keeping working on it, for now I'm moving each run separately to the new subcategories. DC name tag is WIP but I'm gonna have that on mind. Thanks

About GhostSenpai
Latin american speedrunner and Pepsi fan. Speedrunning marathons/tourneys organizer & freelance DJ
7 years ago
Games run
Crash Team Racing
Crash Team Racing
Last run 8 months ago
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
Last run 5 years ago
Snow Brothers
Snow Brothers
Last run 1 year ago
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
Kirby's Dream Land
Kirby's Dream Land
Last run 2 years ago
Pac-Man World
Pac-Man World
Last run 2 years ago
Pepsiman: The Forbidden Drink
Pepsiman: The Forbidden Drink
Last run 4 years ago
Last run 4 months ago
Games moderated
Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers
Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers
Last action 1 day ago
Last action 5 days ago
Game & Watch Gallery 3
Game & Watch Gallery 3
Last action 6 months ago
Snow Bros. 2: With New Elves
Snow Bros. 2: With New Elves
Last action 4 months ago
Tom and Jerry in House Trap
Tom and Jerry in House Trap
Last action 15 days ago
Game & Watch Gallery 2
Game & Watch Gallery 2
Last action 9 months ago
Game & Watch Gallery
Game & Watch Gallery
Last action 11 months ago
Pepsiman: The Forbidden Drink
Pepsiman: The Forbidden Drink
Last action 1 month ago