MexicoGhostSenpai13 days ago

YT link (since Twitch vods will be deleted due to highlights time limitation):

MexicoGhostSenpai1 year ago

I don't remember who I told this or if I mentioned it in another G&WG forum but, just do a run of that and send me the vod to add the category

MexicoGhostSenpai2 years ago

Sorry for late reply. Both emulators have been acepted in May this year. I suggest to join to Quackers Speednerds servers to discuss anything related to the game as we barely keep an eye on this forum

MexicoGhostSenpai2 years ago

@Marsh_GL But your runs shows "Quack Attack" on main screen, meaning that it's the PAL version

I've said some time ago I was gonna test the PSN release but never done it. The reason why PAL PSN has more runs is because PS2 version was released for PS3 only in PAL regions and PS2 games released on PSN have faster loading times than a PS2. I have an English account so I may buy the game to test it in my console and see if it gets displayed at 50 or 60hz. Back in 6th gen days PAL games began having the option to run at 50 or 60hz, and the titles that don't included that were sometimes optimized to be a bit similar to 60hz running at 50, and sometimes they were not optimized

I assume that PSN gets displayed at 50hz but since I haven't played the PAL PS2 version I can't say something about that. My tv supports both 50/60hz images so that shouldn't be a problem

Another thing to mention is that PS2 is CD based, and CD PS2 games uses to have slower loading times. And as I've said before, PS2 games released on PSN uses to load faster on PS3 consoles, making those release a bit faster in loading times

MexicoGhostSenpai2 years ago

You submitted your time in time without loads section. I fixed it

BinkPubby likes this
MexicoGhostSenpai2 years ago

Remember to add the emulator used in your submissions

List of accepted emulators, based on our testings and allowed for most PS1 games are these: • DuckStation (At normal speed, without any loading acceleration) • XEBRA • BizHawk 2.5.2 or newer • mednafen • RetroArch (Beetle/Beetle HW) • ePSXe 1.9.0, 1.9.25, 2.0, and 2.0.5

BizHawk Setup: Games can only run under the cue format. • PSX > Options • Select either mednafen mode option. • Config > Speed/Skip > Audio Throttle To verify that you are running with Audio Throttle enabled you must hit the increase/decrease speed keys [plus/minus] it will display a message on screen.

RetroArch Dedicated Rules: You must show settings of the core settings before/after the run. Your settings must match this: • CPU Dynarec: Disabled (Beetle Interpreter) [Default] • Cycles: 128 (Default) • GTE Overclock: Disabled • GPU Overclock: 1x (native) • Skip Bios: Disabled. • Access Method: Synchronous • Loading Speed: 2x (native) • PAL (European) Video Timing Override: OFF Recommended: Keep PGXP Disabled Custom settings are allowed for anything that isn't mentioned such as resolution.

Runs submitted before this post that used not allowed emulator will keep being part of the leaderboard, but using those emulators for new runs are not allowed.

thread: The Site
MexicoGhostSenpai2 years ago

Thanks. I'll do that

StarSpeed and Sizzyl like this
thread: The Site
MexicoGhostSenpai2 years ago

Hi. Along with a friend we are leaderboard mods for a game where we have been dealing with a runner who does not follow the rules, making that we reject their runs. We explained them the reasons why we rejected the runs but the runner just spam our DMs here and in Twitch to call us "stone heads" and treating us like if we were incompetent to manage a leaderboard, which has no sense for us as the new rules we added were based on their suggestions but looks like now they don't agree with the rules they were looking to implement for the game

Their attitude is the main problem, as if we keep rejecting their runs they keep insisting in submit them, and if we don't approve them they still spamming our DMs to a point where is annoying to deal with them, so I wanna know what we can do about it

For now we have been considering into banning them from submitting runs for that game, but due to their attitude nature we don't know if site mods and/or managers should look into this and try to look for a solution for the situation

Thanks in advice

Salero_Eon and
like this
MexicoGhostSenpai3 years ago

Hi. Sorry for late reply

I never considered that category, but if you wanna give it a try, go ahead. I'll open it at some point. Only requirement should be to show that you're playing on a clean file

MexicoGhostSenpai3 years ago

Sorry for late reply

Sure. Clasisc mode can be added. When I get some free time I'll try to add them. Feel free to run it

thread: The Site
MexicoGhostSenpai3 years ago

Hi. I was trying to add a game to a game series, but instead of adding it a new board was created and I cannot find the delete game button. If the duplicated board can be deleted and the game can be added to the game series I'm gonna appreciate that

Board that needs to be deleted:

Game series: Board that needs to be added to that game series:

YUMmy_Bacon5 and StarSpeed like this
thread: Pepsiman
MexicoGhostSenpai3 years ago

Hi everybody. We're organizing an Any% Tournament and all people are welcome to be part of this.

MrMonsh likes this
thread: Pepsiman
MexicoGhostSenpai3 years ago

I tried to play this on an american PS3 some years ago through Disc Swap and audio wasn't played. I assume that on a japanese PS3 or using an original disc game audio can be played.

I can add the platform but just to play using game CD and music needs to be played. No CFW will be allowed to play an injected VC version

thread: Pepsiman
MexicoGhostSenpai3 years ago

For a long time, obsoleted and commonly banned PS1 emulators were used on Pepsiman since those were the only ones that played CD audio tracks for levels, but thanks to MrMonsh was discovered that a simple solution to this issue was to load the .cue file instead of .bin, meaning that emulators like PSXfin and smartphone ones now are banned.

You must also state what emulator is being used when submitting your run and always remember to load the .CUE file to get CD audio tracks. If your version doesn't has the .cue file or it doesn't play game music, you can use the version shared in Resources.

List of accepted emulators, based on our testings and allowed for most PS1 games are these: • DuckStation (At normal speed, without any loading acceleration) • XEBRA • BizHawk 2.5.2 or newer • mednafen • RetroArch (Beetle/Beetle HW) • ePSXe 1.9.0, 1.9.25, 2.0, and 2.0.5

BizHawk Setup: Games can only run under the cue format. • PSX > Options • Select either mednafen mode option. • Config > Speed/Skip > Audio Throttle To verify that you are running with Audio Throttle enabled you must hit the increase/decrease speed keys [plus/minus] it will display a message on screen.

RetroArch Dedicated Rules: You must show settings of the core settings before/after the run. Your settings must match this: • CPU Dynarec: Disabled (Beetle Interpreter) [Default] • Cycles: 128 (Default) • GTE Overclock: Disabled • GPU Overclock: 1x (native) • Skip Bios: Disabled. • Access Method: Synchronous • Loading Speed: 2x (native) • PAL (European) Video Timing Override: OFF Recommended: Keep PGXP Disabled Custom settings are allowed for anything that isn't mentioned such as resolution.

Runs submitted before this post that used not allowed emulator will keep being part of the leaderboard, but using those emulators for new runs are not allowed. Those runs will be retimed at some point to add the time that saved compared with another emulators or a real PS1.

If you have an emulator suggestion or any additional questions feel free to contact leaderboard mods on Discord.

IseaCraftSP, MrMonsh and 3 others like this
thread: The Site
MexicoGhostSenpai3 years ago

As Boyks said, Ahmed have been harassing mods and game runners. They used to tag them for no reason in Pepsiman discord server while most of the time their messages were appropiate for DMs instead of public messages. When they had the Any% WR they started to spread negativity about the game, mentioning that the game was dead and nobody was gonna beat their times (and some months later their times were defeated). We asked them to stop, something that they haven't done, so after talking with all mods we decided to ban them, remove their verifier role on the leaderboard and banned them from the Discord server (although they weren't banned of submitting new runs to leaderboard). After that Ahmed deleted their runs from the leaderboard and has been trying to avoid their Discord ban accesing with multiple accounts just to keep doing what does they have been doing since last year, and recently we decided to removed their ILs times

If site staff wanna talk with us about the situation we are open to dialog. We have enough evidences about the situation. Ahmed weren't banned for no reason

theboyks likes this
MexicoGhostSenpai4 years ago

When I was trying to do my first BTG run I accidentally discovered a way to skip levels (like in NES version).

Looks like some stages has an item that looks like a ball with wings (or a golden snitch). If you defeat an enemy and you're lucky to get it you can skip stages. At the moment I was able to find 3 of them.

First one (Timestamp: 22:16) makes you go from B18F to B12F and the second (Timestamp: 38:16) moves you from 05F to 09F:

When I was uploading my run I decided to give a try to a BTG attempt again (offstream) and accidentally found a 3rd one that makes you go from B09F to B02F:

I don't know exactly the pattern that you need to follow to get those skips and/or if you need to defeat specific enemies to get it, this is something that need some testings. Plus I think that probably the item can spawn in another stages.

NerdyNester likes this
MexicoGhostSenpai4 years ago


Pear likes this
MexicoGhostSenpai4 years ago

That's what I wanna avoid since I don't use to have the emulator on the same spot all the time. Every time I open it I use to move it since the position where I have it don't get saved, and I don't wanna keep cropping the display capture all the time.

If I complete a run can I activate the display capture to show that I used an allowed emulator??

MexicoGhostSenpai4 years ago

I have been trying to find a way to capture the emulator window on OBS but the most I can get is the options bar and game feed. I cannot capture the full window as a proof that I'm using an allowed emulator.

Is there a way to capture all the window without using the capturing screen option??

I use Gambatte

MexicoGhostSenpai5 years ago

Afaik there is no problem if you don't get the FMVs played. I got that issue also and a runner told me that even you can deactivate them with Windows Registry for the runs and still valid, so since you skip them idt you'll have problems if FMVs are not played

About GhostSenpai
Latin american speedrunner and Pepsi fan. Speedrunning marathons/tourneys organizer & freelance DJ
8 years ago
Games run
Crash Team Racing
Crash Team Racing
Last run 1 year ago
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
Last run 5 years ago
Snow Brothers
Snow Brothers
Last run 1 year ago
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
Kirby's Dream Land
Kirby's Dream Land
Last run 3 years ago
Pac-Man World
Pac-Man World
Last run 2 years ago
Pepsiman: The Forbidden Drink
Pepsiman: The Forbidden Drink
Last run 4 years ago
Last run 9 months ago
Games moderated
Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers
Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers
Last action 3 days ago
Last action 19 days ago
Game & Watch Gallery 3
Game & Watch Gallery 3
Last action 11 months ago
Tom and Jerry in House Trap
Tom and Jerry in House Trap
Last action 2 days ago
Snow Bros. 2: With New Elves
Snow Bros. 2: With New Elves
Last action 9 months ago
Game & Watch Gallery 2
Game & Watch Gallery 2
Last action 1 year ago
Game & Watch Gallery
Game & Watch Gallery
Last action 8 days ago
Pepsiman: The Forbidden Drink
Pepsiman: The Forbidden Drink
Last action 5 months ago