thread: Star Fox 64
Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T3 years ago

time can definitely be saved from WiiUVC, if its against ique idk you would have to have a near flawless run. but in regards to lag it has little to none

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T4 years ago

Swag percent, basically all clothes whichc would carry over into NG+ and maybe Samurai% for all katanas and upgrades. just a fun one

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T4 years ago

i'll check it out, since its a long run i need to see everything i need to do.

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T4 years ago

yeah that does, I was curious if its at all different, mainly because I wasnt sure if since the switch version lets you do either ending. I also wasnt aware of NG+ additional items, so I'll keep that in mind

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T4 years ago

now that its been about a week since the switch port dropped I had a qeuastion regarding Hundo on switch. Since it allows you to get the tsubaki mk 3 material after the speedbuster fight and after finishing the jeane fight allows you to fight against henry for the true ending without having to do another run. Is it possible to cut some time off or just seperate it since it is that much different.

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T4 years ago

new to the game but just curious if the switch will be its own seperate category or something different all together. same goes for desperate struggle.

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T4 years ago

I agree even though this post is a bit old I've found myself wanting to try and run these games.

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T4 years ago

this is true about #3, i feel like I should run the fastest version though. then again the game isnt out yet and we dont know much about it yet.

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T4 years ago

so then there is no point in getting the physical copy? cause if thats the case i'll cancel my order and wait on the digital

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T4 years ago

Im not new to the game but im new to running it, is there really that much RNG that you cant route it appropriately? mind you ive only played it when I was a kid, but the only downside is not being high enough level. its one of my favorite games of all time, and I feel like I could give some good insight to the game if I took the time to figure some thing out about the game. Plus the leaderboards seem pretty quiet figured i'd try to sprout some life into it.

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T4 years ago

new to this area but not new to the game, is consolizer a valid tool? cause not everyone has access to a GB Player

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T5 years ago

so like how XBL has their leaderboard for level completion?, not sure how you could do that for N64

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T5 years ago

please do Sass, I'd be willing to invest time into this game and find things to shorten the runs

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T5 years ago

I like it too but I have yet to get my gamecube and the game, and I feel like emulator would just be risky considering it could stop working mid run. im down to learn it as well, seeing as how this was my most played rpg game on the gamecube besides TTYD

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T5 years ago

are emulator version limited for this game? if so which ones?

Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T5 years ago

wow great time save. is it just for N64 or xbox or both? also whats with the audio freaking out during the jiggy theme

thread: Star Fox 64
Riverside, CA, USADefaul_T5 years ago

Do not bother with the WiiU version either, no matter what controller you use to play it the game will have significant input lag when shooting. Basically its so major that you cant mash or tap out enough shots to kill a boss fast. Ive gone through the trouble of testing this myself on WiiU using mutiple controllers. Like everyone else said if you can manage to get an iQue player, its probably the best version basically due to the controller being similar to an N64 as well as the input when firing shots.

only downside is its expensive, but you would only be ever be challenged by others who own one.

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Star Fox 64
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