Mumbos Mountain Lair jiggy with talon trot
4 years ago
Riverside, CA, USA

wow great time save. is it just for N64 or xbox or both? also whats with the audio freaking out during the jiggy theme

Maine, USA

I've tried it on Xbox and came up short, but I assume that it works on both.


I Tried it on Xbox and PAL versions and it works. I thought this was new but it is used on TAS.

Arizona, USA

I think for N64, this might be a PAL only trick outside of TAS. I've gotten VERY close to getting up there on NTSC but always fall just short of hitting the platform. I'd be happy to be proven wrong though as this way seems faster than using Banjo to go up the middle.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
GeneralSnivy likes this

Video is from NTSC-U 1.0 version.

Arizona, USA

Oh, interesting. I guess I just need to figure out what I'm doing wrong with that then. Any special trick to it? It seems for me that the second jump on the hill doesn't get as far for me as yours did so I'd love to know what I might be doing wrong.

GeneralSnivy likes this

I don't have any special tricks, I just kept trying.

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