California, USAaswankylemon2 years ago

I'd attempt if award weapons allowed

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

I used this in my recent run as droids, I believe I quit two battles and quickly won twice on Rhen Var: Harbor since it is the friendly planet the droids start with, and hence the first one the clones always attack. So yeah, I basically traded Kashyyyk for 2x Rhen Var Harbor and it ended up saving time pretty consistently because you get to nuke a second planet and Harbor is easy and consistent to win via droideka strat.

Lots of possibilities with this trick!

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

I can personally guarantee I'll submit a ton of IL's. There was sort of a resurgence of interest in SWBF 1 (2004) and the IL LB's went from easy WR's by default to pretty tight races on some maps.

This game seems to have a much larger community than SWBF (2004) so I'm sure the new categories will be populated relatively quickly.

DarkLightBoco нравится это
California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

So uh...any chance of this happening? The other mods and I made IL leaderboards over on Star Wars Battlefront 1 (2004) that look just fine...

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

I believe "sabotage" works on some maps and not on others, at least on 1.0 on console.

Plains doesn't have a fighter on PC, and geonosis gunships are weak sauce, but there are now a few other known benefits for PC players, like faster dark trooper regen, better visibility and draw distance, and better medium vehicle handling. It's the same core game, and it'll be really interesting as times get down to the wire to see which categories become preferably on console or PC.

Now let's enjoy spending time actually running the game, refining our strats, and beating times.

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

Would anyone else be interested in adding IL categories for each of the 45 contracts, including the Ace missions?

Obviously a lot of advantages can be brought in for any particular level but personally I think it'd be exciting to see just how fast someone can complete Omerta, for instance. It'd just require a new individual level leaderboard, and then either just have one category (or two, you could add an "including bonus(es)" category to have 2 per level.

Just an idea. I'm very interested in running this game but am finding it difficult to drum up the desire to do a whole 1hour 30minute full-game run. Being able to practice and get into some ILs would be an excellent starting point for me and potentially other runners.

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

It's absolutely true that PS2 loading times are slower than xbox by 5-10 seconds per map, which added up over a campaign, all maps, 100%, or GC run can absolutely make the difference. Other than load times, I do believe the PS2 and xbox code is the same, and that the game should run identical, minus perhaps some frame hiccups on PS2 and minor graphical differences. Furthermore there's the problem of OG xbox/x360/xbone load times difference...

PC is more of a different story. As Timmi explained above with 3 dark trooper jumps to the console's 2, Dema's allegation of different gunship weapon behavior, and the shorter wookie time bomb fuses, there are some significant differences in the behavior of the sandbox. I've seen the video of the dark trooper jump advantage on PC, but could one of you PC folks document different gunship behavior or short time bomb fuses?

As for AI behavior, I'm not sure there's enough testing done to definitively say there's a difference between PC and "console". If I recall correctly, the reason PC hard AI is so insanely difficult is due to a later patch, which affected PC but never made it onto console (Can anyone dig up hard info surrounding this patch's release?)

Tentatively, I see 3 options:

  1. Leave the leaderboard as it currently is, ignoring differences between platform. Note that upon clicking into any category or IL, users can filter by platform to get de facto subcats already.

  2. Divide into further sub-categories by either PC/console (2 subcats) or PC/PS2/Xbox (3 subcats)

  3. Divide as some games do, by version. Two categories, 1.0 and 1.2. This obviously sucks since all existing runs don't note which version, though it's not difficult to figure out thanks to map names displayed on loading screens.

What do we think?

Timmiluvs нравится это
California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago
  1. I'm not very familiar with emulators so I'm going to stay out of this one.

  2. Galactic conquest scenarios have been added as ILs, so get in there and submit some runs.

  3. As a reminder, timing for ILs (not GC) begins on the first frame after loading has completed, in other words the first frame in which player can make input on the faction select screen. Timing ends on the first frame with Green 'Victory' text. Times can be recorded in hours:minutes:seconds or in hours:minutes:seconds:frames in the video/description, but for input, times should be rounded to the nearest whole second. That means a 3:30.533 inputs as 3:31 here on the site. You can note the milliseconds/frames in the title/desc of the video or in the notes of the submission.

Happy running!

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

Alright, the IL leaderboard has been updated and should be good to go. Please keep in mind that timing for galactic conquest scenarios begins on the first frame after selecting the name of the GC campaign and ends on the first frame of final "Victory" screen on the last map. Any and all planetary bonuses are allowed, just play through the scenario as fast as possible.

dema77_ нравится это
California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

I'm definitely down to include GC campaigns as IL's, even though they'll likely end up being 30 minute "IL's" hahaha. I do think it's important to make clear though that ILs within GC runs are ineligible for the level leaderboard due to planetary bonuses.

Unless there's a good reason not to include each of the 8 GC scenarios on the IL leaderboard, I suppose I'll add those later this week.

dema77_ нравится это
California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

Oh, that's cool! I suppose this could be useful in split screen, if you've got one player running around the harbor area capping Fortress and you lose caves, the other player might spawn here and try to re-capture/deny the droids from taking caves. Kinda a niche situation, but it's potentially usable.

Good find! Keep digging

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

That's not a bad idea, the only gripe I can think of is that easy times would be displayed by default, which sorta unfairly prioritizes them over hard and medium runs. It'd clean up the category page, yes, but also might require another click to see what you're looking for.

Not that I mind, I'm mostly an easy IL runner anyway. I guess it'd be interesting to hear what other members of the community have to say about LB reorganization

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

Interesting that a speeder bike stops at AT-ST, I've often wondered how exactly vehicle physics interact in this game. I know that if two medium tanks collide head on, they sort of "wrestle", but then you've found that nudging a speeder bike against an AT-ST stops it in its tracks. I wonder if the difference is whether the AT-ST is considered to be moving when you collide with it, since I know on that map they stop and look around to shoot a lot. Might be useful to know if one can stop an AT-TE with a spider droid or something like that

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

At this point the game is still so fresh and unoptimized on lots of maps, so ILs are definitely where it's at. Just look at what happened with Rhen Var Harbor a few months ago, Boston's 'play normally' strat turned into Shade's out of bounds glitch turned into my tank blitz strat turned into BattlefrontRunner's insane Droideka moves.

As another example, I've been struggling to reduce the Naboo Theed time as droids, then someone completely fresh came in and beat the time by a solid minute playing as clones, of all things.

There's so much room to experiment with ILs and I feel like until strats get really consistent, full-game will always require a safer playstyle, especially since no one wants to reset a run once they're an hour in and their yolo strat didn't work

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

if we're running an OG xbox disk on an Xbox One using backwards compat, I'd imagine I'm running 1.0

I'm a bit confused who in their right mind thought the droidekas needed MORE shield hp, but oh well. Sounds like 1.0 is generally easier then?

BostonBrew нравится это
California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

Sucks that PS2 load times are stupid long, but to be honest, you could still do ILs. They're much more interesting anyway, since full-game requires playing so safely.

pls come back

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

Not sure what triggers, but if you're referring to the droids on Kashyyyk Docks, yeah. I've also noticed this on Rhen Var Harbor, I'd guess there's probably a timer of sorts that tells the AI to get out of a vehicle if they're "driving" but the vehicle isn't moving, i.e. they're stuck in some funky geometry or wedged into a corner by another vehicle.

Say on Rhen Var, AAT #1 wedges AAT #2 into a corner for some amount of time (5 seconds, maybe 20 seconds, not sure but you could test if you wanted.) The driver of AAT #2 might exit the vehicle, seeing as they're trying to drive but not moving. Then AAT #1 moves and you have an empty vehicle seemingly just sitting there. Interesting that sometimes different AI will get back into the vehicle later on in the match, but sometimes "dirtied" vehicles remain empty the whole match (like the AATs on Docks).

There also might be 'dead spots' in certain maps, such that AI are reluctant to enter a vehicle due to it being equidistant from another one of their objectives, say a particular route or CP.

idk this game is random

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

Awesome, I'm definitely curious to see what's possible in split screen. I wonder if some maps will command a two-player rush of some CP's due to the increased cap speed, but I'm sure others will be fastest with players splitting up to take 2 CP's simultaneously. Interested to see how these strats develop

I'll be submitting some runs next time I can play with my cousin

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

I'd be interested in adding categories for split-screen runs potentially. Probably a no on no-deaths as a category though, this game can be so random with grenades or hard-difficulty snipers sometimes that no-deaths seems way too punishing. It'd also encourage even more vehicle play since that tends to be less risky, which isn't very exciting (or fast) for a speedrun.

TLDR yes to splitscreen, no to deathless category

California, USAaswankylemon5 years ago

I'd recommend watching some of BostonBrew's or BattlefrontRunner's easy and medium runs, just for reference on where the healing/ammo droid cheese spots are and how best to manage some of the capture zones. I'd also recommend rolling to the side wherever possible, since it's faster than jumping forward as in the above run.

О aswankylemon
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