Don't know much about how to speedrun the game?
doorWell fret not! over the coming days, i will be releasing beginners guides for most of the speedrun categories for the game, stating a lot of small things that other runners miss and even informing everyone in the discord when they released! the first instalment has been released and is viewable in the guides section, but be on the lookout for the next episodes in the upcoming days! You may be surprised what you learn from them.
An update with amid.
Amid has responded by setting the video to unlisted rather than private. The video is now back up, has provided proof of the run still existing, and the investigation has been closed. I have saved a backup of the video incase anything happens to it.
Recente runs
Niveau: Pannacotta Fugo
Niveau: TWOH 1v1's
Niveau: DIO Over Heaven