Changes to the leaderboards
1 year ago
Greater Manchester, England

Hello! the YBA page has a new moderator, and i've decided to make a couple of changes for the benefit of the game. Here is what i have added: 4 new speedrun categories. 1 for DIO'S Plan, 1 for All Bosses and 2 for Steel Ball Run wipes, both for solo and teams. The reason why i haven't put on SBR completions, Made In Heaven and The World Over Heaven is due to them either being too RNG based, having too many variables out of your control, having too many restrictions or due to them not being very fun to run in the first place. If you want to suggest any categories, send me a private message. The visuals for the page have gotten a complete overhaul to more nicely match together with YBA's general themes. New variables have been added for speedruns! for the stand you used, the spec you used and whether the server was public, private, or mostly consisted of gamemodes. And finally... we have an actual DISCORD now, rather than it just being the normal YBA discord! you can join here: It's pretty bare bones at the moment, but i will take any suggestions to improve on it! The age of speedrunning heaven... is near.

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An update with amid.

Amid has responded by setting the video to unlisted rather than private. The video is now back up, has provided proof of the run still existing, and the investigation has been closed. I have saved a backup of the video incase anything happens to it.

1 year ago
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