Geplaatst 1 year ago door

Amid has responded by setting the video to unlisted rather than private. The video is now back up, has provided proof of the run still existing, and the investigation has been closed. I have saved a backup of the video incase anything happens to it.

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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

He hid almost all of his previous videos, deleted his discord server, and unfortunately unlike with both Infln and MillesDark, i haven't got any sort of archive anywhere on my channel. If anyone has a backup of the video so that we can use it as the video for the leaderboard, then i will use that as a replacement for the video, or Amid himself who is still in the speedrunning server could make that specific video private so the proof is still there, but for now i have serious doubts as to whether it should stay on the leaderboard. If he stays silent for the next three days, his runs will be removed due to such a suspicious wiping of his channel.

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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

Not too long ago someone sent me a private message, that person was Jeffyboi2006, he gave an absolutely brutal suggestion for a category. I told him if he could get it done within a month i would add it, 3 weeks later, he pulls it off. So please welcome Jeff's Ultimate Challenge to the category list! The goal is simple. Win a 1v1 with every stand. On a fresh account. 5 times. In a ROW. Yeah, pretty tough.

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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

We've added a lot more categories for the more specific runs that some people have wanted for a LONG time!

First of all, there are now All Boss categories for both the storyline bosses and non storyline bosses separately! So if you only wan to run one half, well now you can!

Secondly, Every quest that doesn't involve other players or killing a boss is now a run in the "Individual Levels" category, just incase you want to speedrun one of them. (DIO'S Plan will still remain a primary category as it requires very little RNG and is a very unique quest.)

And finally, the one you've been waiting for... THE MIH AND TWOH SPEEDRUNS ARE FINALLY HERE! You can also find them in the "Individual Levels" segment. But do keep in mind that there are a LOT of rules to follow. Happy Speedrunning!

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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

Well fret not! over the coming days, i will be releasing beginners guides for most of the speedrun categories for the game, stating a lot of small things that other runners miss and even informing everyone in the discord when they released! the first instalment has been released and is viewable in the guides section, but be on the lookout for the next episodes in the upcoming days! You may be surprised what you learn from them.

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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

Hello! the YBA page has a new moderator, and i've decided to make a couple of changes for the benefit of the game. Here is what i have added: 4 new speedrun categories. 1 for DIO'S Plan, 1 for All Bosses and 2 for Steel Ball Run wipes, both for solo and teams. The reason why i haven't put on SBR completions, Made In Heaven and The World Over Heaven is due to them either being too RNG based, having too many variables out of your control, having too many restrictions or due to them not being very fun to run in the first place. If you want to suggest any categories, send me a private message. The visuals for the page have gotten a complete overhaul to more nicely match together with YBA's general themes. New variables have been added for speedruns! for the stand you used, the spec you used and whether the server was public, private, or mostly consisted of gamemodes. And finally... we have an actual DISCORD now, rather than it just being the normal YBA discord! you can join here: It's pretty bare bones at the moment, but i will take any suggestions to improve on it! The age of speedrunning heaven... is near.

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Geplaatst 2 years ago door
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An update with amid.

Amid has responded by setting the video to unlisted rather than private. The video is now back up, has provided proof of the run still existing, and the investigation has been closed. I have saved a backup of the video incase anything happens to it.

1 year ago
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