Dino Crisis 1 GOG-Version
Dino Crisis 1 GOG-Version
投稿日 1 month ago 投稿者:

Hello All (the few people who will ever read this news Kappa)

With the release of the GOG / DRM Free Version of DinoCrisis 1 and 2 there will be some investigation needed on how the game will run and what the best way to use this version within the ruleset.

For now it seems that the GOG Version is based on the JPN Version of the Game, having the Original and Arrange Mode included with the need of unlocking hard & very hard difficulty as they arent unlocked by default.

For a quick reminder: This means "Original Game" uses the JPN Puzzles and Codes while "Arrange Game" uses the US / EU Codes and Puzzles.

Game language can be changed to the JPN Version in the GOG Galaxy Settings.

Some more testing and feedback is needed and until then the GOG Version will stay out of the board.

And yes, its not compatible with rebirth - tho basically all QOL improvements that rebirth does besides some quirks are in the GOG version by default.

Will send an updated news and ping in discord when GOG Version goes live on the leaderboard :)

Update on GOG Version for PC

Using the GOG Version for PC is now allowed on the leaderboard.

Rules for the Game have been changed accordingly.

Re-Birth Patch is now optional and is no longer required for PC runs.

Updated rules specific to the GOG Version can be fund in the "Rules" section of the game. Please make sure you co

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