New category suggestions
3 years ago
Hampshire, England

As it stands, the most optimal route sees you choosing Gail's ideas for all but the last choice, where you choose Rick's. This applies to every category you run.

To mix things up a bit, I thought it would be interesting to have Gail% and Rick% categories added; Gail% having you choose Gail's ideas all the way through, and Rick% where you go with Rick's ideas.

Any thoughts from you guys out there? I'd really like to see these categories added!

BunnyYirt, AlekStation97 そして 4 その他 これを好き
Los Angeles, CA, USA

I think Rick’s choices could be fun. I think Gail% is pretty close to Best Ending; although the difference between the current categories is pretty negligible anyway.

Might be worth recording a Rick% run to give a feel of how different it might be?

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
RapixOnGaming, Kaladere そして 2 その他 これを好き
Hampshire, England

I've got a "Rick's choices only" run on Twitch. It really freshened things up, taking routes you wouldn't normally run on the existing categories.

The 1st Rick choice makes you rewrite the ID Card after you've done B1 crane puzzle.

The 2nd Rick choice makes you take the B1 emergency hatch puzzle.

Towards the end when assembling the Initializer and Stabilizer from the collected parts, it becomes more about your own skill using the assembling machine rather than relying on the RNG of the therizinosaurus placement and attacks down in B3, when grabbing the completed devices.

AstralMagnet そして RapixOnGaming これを好き

what would be interesting with Gail is doing Bad Ending (only ending where you learn the true about the mission), you escape via the port and fight an alternate T Rex. if you just do a Gail%, heliport would still be faster. ensambling the initializer and stabilizer has a lot of rng (on the inicial ways the parts comes in) that would spice up the category i think. since we are already here, Very Hard% could be a thing too. from this 3 i would choose bad ending%, since it has another ending fmv and another final boss, i think it makes more sense with the leaderboard

Farmery87, AstralMagnet そして 2 その他 これを好き

I have felt a Rick choices run for a while would be nice, as I like the character and Tom's Mac-10 moment But I understand why it has not been up to this point. I do feel that the alternate ending of Gail would add something fun and unique to the run. I also wish for Very Hard% as I am looking to move on from Normal any% - once the Terrys let me PB again KEKW.

Farmery87 そして Kaladere これを好き
Seoul, South Korea

Here is the thing tho. Generally speaking - for any% you can pick which route youever like. No one is stopping you for picking rick instead of gail. The problem im seeing here and why im not willing to make another category yet is basically the same i've said a few times - lack of people running the game.

Let me give you some insight why - before a big cry starts out.

In the last month when i added seperate console categorie and adding hardmode too - almost ever run submitted last month where by Farmery getting the console WR for almost all boards - gj for that. However - due to lack of other people actually running, submitting runs and trying to challenge current times and WR's - DinoCrisis will end up being Farmerys personal game / leaderboard. And adding more categories just so that 1 or 2 persons can instantlly get another "hard fought" WR just makes no sense.

Back when the discussion about seperating PC and Console came up - "many" people spoke up to have them added - to make running the game more attractive. Now where are those people? Have they suddenly left? I see the same people here "liking" posts and stuff - but never actually run the game or submitted a run to the board - even after making the changes you guys wanted.

So again - due to inactivity and lack of active running people - no additional categories will be added (for now). Be competitive at the current big variety of categories without just the same 1 or 2 persons to submit runs - and once there is a much more active playerbase im more than happy to discuss category additions.

I hope you guys understand my points - im not in general against it - but it just makes no sense to add more and more categories if basically just 1 or 2 persons are running the game. I agreed with the console / pc split it made sense in some ways and alot of people were talking about that and i hoped to get more people involved and more people tyring to beat each others times - however what happend is that just the same 1 - 2 guys subbmitted runs to the new / splitted cateogies.

I appreciate the suggestion and there are many more potential categorie possibilites , like for example the need to kill the trex every encounter instead of running from him and so on. But again with basically no active player base even trying to compete on the very basic categories - there is really no point in adding even more.

Its about beating each other to a better and faster time - and not getting a "WR" on an almost dead game with no competition.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
MASH, Farmery87 そして 4 その他 これを好き
United Kingdom

shame there's no way to skip cut scenes D:

Farmery87 これを好き

i'm down for that, since Rick's way is a bit longer,, and gail's way would be easier up until the end, adored rediscovering this game, men lab puzzle were a pain ahahah

Farmery87 これを好き

I understand where ya coming from Dodi. It will be a while afore I finish with PC and move to console tbh. (Only so much time in the week) But one day I might. Still it is a shame there is not a lot of people loving the Dino Memes like we do.

Kaladere そして Farmery87 これを好き
United Kingdom

Hey folks, I'm considering running DC on my JPN PS2 (90k) and was wondering if it's been considered to seperate EMU from Console runs, as I would imagine the differences between each other wouldn't make it a fair leaderboard (might be wrong however). Perhaps it's not been changed simply to the fact there's not enough runners? Cheers folks, keep up the good work all

Farmery87 これを好き

There is no difference between console and emulator. Load times do not affect IGT at all since IGT pauses on screen transitions and door animations. Really there is no need to separate it further than it already is (at one point every platform was combined.) I would argue if we were to do anything it would be to recombine all the boards back into one, however personally I think how the board is set up now is the best.

Farmery87 これを好き
United Kingdom

Thanks for the response Kaladere and appreciate the clarification on differences :)

Farmery87 そして Kaladere これを好き
Update on GOG Version for PC

Using the GOG Version for PC is now allowed on the leaderboard.

Rules for the Game have been changed accordingly.

Re-Birth Patch is now optional and is no longer required for PC runs.

Updated rules specific to the GOG Version can be fund in the "Rules" section of the game. Please make sure you co

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