DoorSkip Patch now Allowed across all PC Leaderboards
2 years ago
Seoul, South Korea

Thanks to the effort of our small but great Dino1 community Members we have now a viable option to allow DoorSkip within Dino1 PC Version.

Credits goes out to Unicorngoulash wand Icescythe7 of the DinoCrisis Wiki Discord and Farmery87 for his efforts to get this going.

The Mod is compatible with the current REBirth Patch. I've made a ZIP Archive that includes all files needed for the DoorSkip & REBirth Patch. The Archive can be downloaded at the Ressource Section of the SpeedRun Website or clicking the following link:

Usage is very easy - just drop all 3 Files into your DinoCrsis Root directory and replace it with current vanilla files.

WARNING(!) Due to the nature of the Patch that it hooks itself into the Game, there is a chance that your AntiVirus or Windows will notify you for a Virus / Malware Threat. This is a false-positive and can be ignored. Make sure to just simply allow / whitelist the DINO.exe .

After everything is ready to go - just start the Game as usual via the DINO.exe and once loaded up you can Press F12 to activate the DoorSkip Mod.

Please enjoy and good luck with your next Runs!

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
xtra2Ez, AstralMagnet, そして Farmery87 これを好き
Seoul, South Korea

Some additional Info:

Similar effect with doorskipping can be archived via Cheatenginge and other programs. However only usage of this specific Mod is allowed for the Leaderboard.

I will not enforce a rule that needs to show the dialog Windows of the Doorskip Mod as its just inconvenient, however if something with a submitted run seems fishy related to the doorskip and potentially other behavior, your run will be declined! So please keep that in mind. :)

Farmery87 これを好き
Update on GOG Version for PC

Using the GOG Version for PC is now allowed on the leaderboard.

Rules for the Game have been changed accordingly.

Re-Birth Patch is now optional and is no longer required for PC runs.

Updated rules specific to the GOG Version can be fund in the "Rules" section of the game. Please make sure you co

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