Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n7 years ago

I was wondering why you chose to rely on the in-game timer instead of a usual timer for the IL, i understand that it can be more convenient to use the in-game timer, but I have also found that the in-game timer can be manipulated.

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n7 years ago

Throughout my own runs and after watching Cheylis's run I've noticed a few minor glitches that could be potential time saves.

High Jumping - In a few areas, primarily in the early levels, Cheylis was able to jump a lot higher than I had thought possible, this could change up the routing slightly specifically regarding whether we actually need to push the box in level 2.

Weird Hitboxes - Throughout Cheylis's run there were a few times where certain sprites hit boxes seem to be smaller than they would appear to be ie. making very precise jumps over zombies on levels 2 & 3, I'm not sure why those enemies act that way, nor if they are the only enemies that act that way, but it certainly has potential for exploitation. Just something to keep your eye out for.

Exiting levels early - Specifically, you can escape level 29 without killing the beast by making a precise jump into an off-screen hit box that registers that you are supposed to end the level. This is specifically important for level 4, because if we find a way to exit level 4 without having to kill all of the zombies, we could save a rather significant amount of time.

Congrats on WR Cheylis, hope to take it back soon. Good luck on your runs everyone.

drgrumble و Cheylis تُحب هذا
Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n7 years ago

I just heard back from Andre the developer of Magic Rampage and wanted to share the amazing news he gave me

The loot system is absolutely randomised, though there are rarer items than others, there is no way to determine which items should drop when.

However, if this is something that adds so much to the speed running gameplay, I am willing to add fixed drop spots (maybe in any secret area) for both Poisoned Dagger and the Light Dagger in the first few levels (among any of the first 7 levels perhaps). What are your thoughts? BTW I've seen the boss skip glitches but I decided not to fix that so the speed running community has these elements to play with.

Will update the forum when the items are officially added, but just wanted to give everyone a heads up

drgrumble و Cheylis تُحب هذا
Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n7 years ago

Hello everybody, I just wanted to create this thread to help those, like myself, who intend on streaming their Magic Rampage speed runs, so that anyone can easily find their streams

Personally, my schedule for the next few months, starting today, is to stream Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6pm - 8 pm. In addition to these streams I also intend on creating some video tutorials explaining some of the harder tricks in the game. I hope to see you tonight, and feel free to post your own schedule if you intend to stream this game

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n7 years ago

Hello everybody, I've been a fan of speed runs for the last few years, but I've finally gotten the time to begin doing some runs of my own so I decide to create an account. I primarily play mobile games and was looking to add a few new games to the site: Battleheart and Magic Rampage. I've spent the last few months routing these games and have started doing full runs, however I'm not sure how to create a speed run for these games, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks

drgrumble و chryoyo تُحب هذا
نبذة عن B1aZ3n
تاريخ الانضمام
7 years ago
عبر الإنترنت
6 years ago
جولات سريعة
الألعاب المُجراة
Magic Rampage
Magic Rampage
آخر سجل 7 years ago
جولات سريعة
Marble Race
Marble Race
آخر سجل 7 years ago
جولات سريعة
الألعاب المتابَعة
Magic Rampage
Magic Rampage
آخر زيارة 6 years ago
Marble Race
Marble Race
آخر زيارة 7 years ago