Hello everybody, I just wanted to create this thread to help those, like myself, who intend on streaming their Magic Rampage speed runs, so that anyone can easily find their streams
Personally, my schedule for the next few months, starting today, is to stream Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6pm - 8 pm. In addition to these streams I also intend on creating some video tutorials explaining some of the harder tricks in the game. I hope to see you tonight, and feel free to post your own schedule if you intend to stream this game
تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب
الجولات الأخيرة
المستوى: Chapter 1 Dungeon 5
المستوى: Chapter 1 Dungeon 3
المستوى: Chapter 2 Dungeon 10 [Boss speed run 2]
المستوى: Chapter 1 Dungeon 1