Early Items
7 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

I just heard back from Andre the developer of Magic Rampage and wanted to share the amazing news he gave me

The loot system is absolutely randomised, though there are rarer items than others, there is no way to determine which items should drop when.

However, if this is something that adds so much to the speed running gameplay, I am willing to add fixed drop spots (maybe in any secret area) for both Poisoned Dagger and the Light Dagger in the first few levels (among any of the first 7 levels perhaps). What are your thoughts? BTW I've seen the boss skip glitches but I decided not to fix that so the speed running community has these elements to play with.

Will update the forum when the items are officially added, but just wanted to give everyone a heads up

drgrumble و Cheylis تُحب هذا
Kent, England

Wow, that bloke is a legend!

Reliable drop spots would be v cool, I imagine it would make sub30 very real?

Thanks for letting us know blaze.

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