Doom in 6m 37s 717ms by
Nice! Huge sub-7! After a first PB earlier in the night where I improved 12 seconds, managed to lower another 29 seconds with this one! Little by little I'm nailing down the strafe movement, though I still need to cleanup to make it even better. Very happy with getting this, and also on finally getting the final switch skip on a run!
Doom (Kex Port) (2024)
SRC Series: DOOM (Kex Port) Legacy of Rust All Secrets Speedrun ChallengeEnded
Prize pool
SR50 Is Now Possible on Kex!
Hey everyone!
Yesterday, an update for the Kex Port was released. Among the many patches and quality-of-life changes made, the update made SR50, a faster straferunning technique, possible on Kex!
To perform SR50 (StrafeRun-50), one must have a forward input and two strafe inputs fo
Recent runs
Level: Doom II Map 1: Entryway
Level: Doom E1M1: Hangar
Level: Doom E1M1: Hangar
Level: Doom E1M1: Hangar
Level: Doom II Map 1: Entryway