Posted 8 days ago by

Sept 18 - Sept 25: Plutonia Map 15: The Twilight

Sept 11 - Sept 17: Legacy of Rust: E1M1

Hey everyone!

I wanted to post here in case anyone isn't in our Discord yet (if not, you should definitely join!). We're excited to kick off a weekly challenge starting this Wednesday, where a new map will be selected, and runners will compete for the fastest time!

Each week, we'll crown a winner on Keyboard and Controller.

Each category will have its own leaderboards, and players will earn points based on their chosen mode:

  • NoMo: 1 point
  • Any%: 1 point
  • UV-Speed: 2 points
  • UV-Max: 3 points
  • Nightmare: 3 points

We're looking forward to seeing who can claim the top spots! Hope to see you on the board, good luck to everyone!

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Posted 30 days ago by

Hey y'all! Just wanted to announce a few things where it would be hard to miss so that there's no confusion moving forward.

Recently, there's been some findings regarding the save/load features on the Kex port. Namely, loading can mess with enemy aggro and send them walking in a different direction instead of attacking you. Something like this can very easily derail full game run categories and, frankly, is not something we can easily police or track. As such, a new rule went into place earlier today that bans loading saves in full game runs, at least for the time being. This rule will be in place until a patch comes out that fixes this issue.

Another rule that I wanted to make people aware of is the new rules regarding the Screen Flash Effects. In the accessibility options of the Kex port, you can toggle Screen Flash Effects on or off. Effective tomorrow (8/21), high level runs must have Screen Flash Effects toggled ON. Specifically, this rule applies to:

  • Top 5 Solo Full Game submissions
  • Top 3 Co-Op Full Game submissions (in this case, the rule only applies to the host)
  • World Record Individual Level submissions

The reason for this rule is simply to make verification of high-level runs easier. With these Screen Flash Effects on, we can more easily search for discrepancies in runs and ensure fair play among the most competitive runners. If any runner must play the Kex port with Screen Flash Effects off for medical reasons (i.e. photosensitivity epilepsy, etc.), feel free to message the mods directly and we will keep your condition in mind.

Moving forward, we trust that everyone fully understands and follows these rules. Happy Dooming!

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Posted 1 month ago by

Thank you for your patience as we prepared the SRC for the new update, I am happy to announce that the board is now open for submissions. We are still working out some ideas/quirks, but the main board + Individual Levels are all posted and ready for runs!

If you haven't already, join us on discord:

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Posted 1 month ago by

On August 8th, 2024-Bethesda released a new Doom port. Now running in the kex engine, this source port was a surprise release across multiple platforms, to celebrate over 25 years of Doom!

Currently, the leaderboard is being built to accommodate this port, and will be open for submissions at a future date in time.

The moderators are currently researching to ensure the leaderboard is in a structured state upon allowing submissions.

We ask the community to please join in on discussions for this port, and further information on when submissions will be open to the public, in our discord server.

Happy Doomin'!

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Weekly Challenges!

Sept 18 - Sept 25: Plutonia Map 15: The Twilight

Sept 11 - Sept 17: Legacy of Rust: E1M1

Hey everyone!

I wanted to post here in case anyone isn't in our yet (if not, you should definitely join!). We're excited to kick off a weekly challenge startin

8 days ago
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