thread: Cuphead
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo6 years ago

We tried to stay away from using this kind of precise limit, as we believe people will be abusing it up to this limit (for example if we say there needs to be 2 seconds between each swap, people will probably swap every 2 seconds to maximise damage). That's why we decided to go with individual judgement, so a mod (and if there is uncertainty, most of the mods) will look at each swap and judge if it is just a regular swap or intended to abuse WSG. While we do realise that this can be subjective (in most cases it should be pretty obvious wether it's a casual swap or WSG), we still feel like this is the best way to handle it.

thread: Cuphead
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo6 years ago

Oh yeah I overlooked this when I updated the rules for that recently, fixing it right now.

thread: Cuphead
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo6 years ago

P is kind of an outliar, there's a seperate category for that aswell (as it has very different requirements than the usual grades).

thread: Cuphead
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo6 years ago

The rules are indeed worded a little poorly there (and the category name aswell I guess), we will get working on that.

Runs just need to achieve the Highest Grade, meaning having all the stats "completed" (golden time and all stats full). There are already A+ aswell as S grade runs on the boards, I do agree though that the rules need a little update in that regard.

Edit: Done, rules should be clearer now.

thread: Cuphead
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo6 years ago

I'd say aswell that something like this shouldn't be allowed, as obviously it is nice (and healthy) to switch buttons every once in a while to not go so hard on a specific finger, but that opens up the door to just mashing both buttons simultaneously. It also gets hard to draw the line when allowing certain external bindings. So far, we have mostly told people to stick to "conventional" control methods (keyboard and regular controllers). If you don't have the weakest fingers (which I assume you, as trihex, should have less problems with), it would probably be a good idea to just rebind the weaponswap/shoot button to something else in between runs to not stress a single finger too much.

thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo6 years ago

Yes you can also benefit from simply being OoB with your body, for example you can easily move through OoB and get back inbounds if you're in sg state due to lack of collision.

Also, I feel like it shouldn't be allowed to go OoB during a saveglitch for example. You don't benefit from it in the general sense, but you do kinda benefit from the fact that you can continue the saveglitch even though you "messed up" and moved OoB. Maybe a good solution would be to just define these special cases of where "you don't benefit" from being OoB (or where it's close to unavoidable), like sticking through the ceiling in 10.

GoodleShoes likes this
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo6 years ago

For a Glitchless category, that already exists over one the main leaderboards. No-Skip or Intended has been discussed a whole lot of times already, but it's basically impossible to define properly, and even if we were to settle on what's allowed and what's not, it would be very arbitrary. For example if we allowed abh in this category, would abh over goo be allowed or a banned skip? Stuff like that is just too unclear to decide on. Feel free to do your runs with your own route and set of rules, but don't expect a leaderboard for a run this specific.

thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo6 years ago

Just stumbled on this, in case you (or anyone else reading this) still want an explanation. Your "slower" time was submitted with Ingame-Time (IGT), while your "faster" run was submitted with Realtime (RT). We generally time runs using IGT as it's more accurate and representative, so leaderboards are sorted by IGT. If your run now only provides RT but no IGT (as your "faster" run does), it will be sorted below every run which has IGT, including your "slower" run. Because of this, your "slower" run is your actual pb. If you would like to fix that yourself, either find the IGT for your "faster" run somewhere (which I assume is unlikely since that was about 2 years ago), or just delete your "slower" IGT run, which will make your "faster" run your new PB and therefore not obsolete.

That's just what i gather from your profile, somebody correct if I'm wrong about something here and have been living a lie for the last few years.

PackSciences likes this
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo6 years ago

Alright, so while playing a bit of Chaos% i noticed one command (r_screenoverlay effects/tp_eyefx/tp_eyefx) that I thought would make for an interesting category. And it does.

r_screenoverlay is used for things like the teleportation-sequences in HL2, and this one specifically looks super trippy and makes it quite hard to shoot things far away.

Sadly, the command resets on loads and mapchanges, so I had to write some cfgs to cope with that, basically re-applying the affect on every movement input and load. These cfgs make it quite easy to enable/disable this madness:


//applies tunnelvision for movement inputs bind w "+forward; tunnel" bind a "+moveleft; tunnel" bind s "+back; tunnel" bind d "+moveright; tunnel" //wait is needed here to work with save/loads alias waittunnel "wait 100; tunnel" //here, add waittunnel to all your binds that include loading. here are mine as an example bind f7 "load quick; waittunnel" bind c "save sg; load sg; waittunnel" bind x "load sg; waittunnel" //tunnel activates the efffect alias tunnel "r_screenoverlay effects/tp_eyefx/tp_eyefx"


r_screenoverlay "" alias tunnel ""

Making this work on changelevels automatically proved to be difficult, so with this setup your vision is only normal directly after changelevels until you move (basically only affecting 14 and 19 a bit).

For now I would call this Tunnelvision%, you can split this into OoB/Inbounds again if you want, I did an Inbounds run here.

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

I think having a category where you have to do a bunch of stuff and then finish the game is only a good idea if the things you have to do extra actually affect the game somehow and are not so out of the way that they make the run 10x longer. The idea of "activating all lamps" and "grabbing the key and opening the door to finish the game" have basically nothing to do with each other, I'd let it stay at just the lamps. Also, I do agree with the fact that 2 seperate categories is maybe a little much, a decision would be the best thing here. I guess maybe do a vote or something if the opinions are that split. Just a little sidenote (especially @Keen, regarding the key makes the run "long winded"): Actually finishing the game doesn't make the run too much longer. You'd just have to incorporate the basement into your route, and the door is not far from where you are at the last lamp (atleast in my route).

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

Inspired by the new Knock Knock, I figured that another great meme category would be All Lamps. There are 11 lamps (let me know if I made an error there, maybe I forgot about some) in the game that you can turn on, spread across basically the whole map. Challenges this run presents:

  • Routing a fast way to reach all the lamps
  • Getting good clips throughout the whole run
  • Not losing your chair optimally (the chairs you can use as backup in most of the other rooms are quite bad to clip with)

As a "basic guide" to the location of the lamps and to show off the concept, here's a bad run I've done in 2:28:

It can probably be pushed below 1:30. This category is a nice alternative to all the other short and optimised categories, while still maintaining the "fun" (lel) of OoB.

Would love to hear your thoughts.

EDIT: I missed a few lamps, my latest count (which I think is all, I searched the whole map basically) is 14.

Jmak, Slevanas, and Erebus like this
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

Guess I can point out a few things that I noticed in your run. First of all, your game seems to lag a lot at the beginning. It is perfectly fine to start the timing the moment you start moving instead of the moment the game loads in. It usually lags horribly for a second or two when it loads everything in the beginning, so just wait through that, and start timing as soon as you move. Then there are a few obvious optimisations, like not getting stuck on the pillar in the basement, not flying as high in the first clip, not clipping into the wrong room for the second clip, and having a better angle so you land closer to the door with the second clip. If your second clips always look the way they do in your PB, I feel like that's where you can do the most improvements. Just watch WR and try to mimic the positionings and angles from there.

Slevanas likes this
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

Hello blazers, Goodigo here. So I requested this game for a joke a while ago, and basically stopped caring about the day afterwards. But so far, it has actually gotten quite a few runs apparently. Keeping the leaderboards on a game like this legit is a pain in the ass, and moderating this "for the meme" is not something I want to, nor have the time to do. So just in case there is anyone out there who ¤actually¤ feels serious about this game, reply below and I'll consider making you mod, basically giving you guys total control over the game, rejecting runs, changing the rules, heck I won't mind if you clear the whole leaderboard and go rogue.

So anyone who has had a run before this date, PUT YO APPLICATIONS IN BOI

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

I removed the run due to both timer issues and the rule that quality needs to be shown. Also, verification added.

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

It's an online marathon

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

Shit's goin down in here

thread: Portal 2
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

So if somebody with deeper knowledge of the game wants to look into this, I just did a run where, again, course 5 was suddenly there. In all the lobbies before, the unlocking of the courses worked just as it should. Before that run I did not enter any chambers, I only reset during Calibration. (Last demo is the lobby after course 4 btw)

thread: Portal 2
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

I know that course 5 is still there when you enter it and then don't quit the game before restarting, so I always do it then. But in every other case I don't. I'll try restarting game I guess. Also @PacK both players locked the maps, but sometimes it still doesn't work for one player.

thread: Portal 2
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

So this is a problem that has been bugging for over a year now. In coop, the courses seem to randomly not lock for one partner, or in the middle of the run just be unlocked at random. Also, the cutscene for course 5 appearing sometimes doesn't play because the course is already there, even though it's still locked. Does anyone have any info on this or even better, any method on how to prevent this?

About Goodigo
the cat extender
9 years ago
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Portal 2
Portal 2
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Portal Category Extensions
Portal Category Extensions
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Tron: Evolution
Tron: Evolution
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Last run 9 years ago
Portal: Canonical Base of RxRxR
Orbo's Odyssey
Orbo's Odyssey
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Portal Category Extensions
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Tron: Evolution
Tron: Evolution
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In Verbis Virtus
In Verbis Virtus
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Portal: Canonical Base of RxRxR
Portal: Canonical Base of RxRxR
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Gnomes Vs Fairies: Greckel's Quest
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Lost Ember
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Tron 2.0
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Destroy The Porn
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Super Press Space To Win Action RPG
Tron: Evolution
Tron: Evolution
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Gnomes Vs Fairies: Greckel's Quest
Gnomes Vs Fairies: Greckel's Quest
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Bloody Boobs
Bloody Boobs
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