thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

Firstly, you don't need to record demos if you're using vault save.

Realtime always sets itself back to 0.00 (even if you change it in the Edit Splits menu). Gametime however always accounts for the 53.01, so just rightclick your splits -> Compare Against -> Gametime. If you still care about your realtime (though it doesn't really matter since the leaderboards are sorted by gametime anyways), you can just manually add the 53.01 to your realtime.

thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

There are video tutorials for this on the bottom of the doc ( ), both for Source Unpack and Steampipe.

thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

What your splits are / when it splits doesn't matter, as long as the start and stop is accurate (not sure if you can still do that while having manual splitting). If you record demos, those are also fine for timing so you don't have to worry about having accurate splits.

TollyH likes this
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

First of all your definition is of course very arbitrary. Secondly, there's a few things in your definition / not in your definition that could be considered edge cases (like 12 cubethrow). And lastly, defining a category on the basis of "you have to do this route" takes away almost all of the routing and creativity.

Thanks for the effort of putting together a proper request (and doing a run of it), but coming up with a subjective route that you personally find to be intended is not what I meant when I said "a good way of defining it".

spidernh and Zoreo like this
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

Added Keyboard Only.

Also Intended%, No Skips, True Glitchless or whatever you wanna call it will not be added unless you can come up with a good way of defining it.

I'd also like to remind you to look at the request guidelines here ( ) before requesting a category. MagicSalad's request just above this post should serve as a good example.

thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

autosaves do tend to lag the game for some people, especially if you're on steampipe. if you're still on steampipe (the regular steam version), consider getting the source unpack version (in the resources section). if that still doesn't fix it, you can just turn autosaves off using sv_autosave 0

thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

Can you send a screenshot of what your Source Unpack folder looks like? There should be a hl2.exe in there.

Also as a side note (since you are already in the discord), you can probably get quicker and more informed help there.

thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

Firstly, make sure to read up again on how to properly install it. Mainly not putting it in the Steam folder, but rather just completely seperate.

Also you might wanna be more specific than "it doesnt work". Does it just not start at all? Does the cmd open and close again? Are you getting any error messages?

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

If you wanna request a category to be added, please use this thread

Here are a few guidelines on what to consider when requesting a category (if you don't follow these, your request is likely to be ignored):

  • Think about if your category actually needs a leaderboard. If it's just a fun thing you wanna run, go for it. You don't need a leaderboard to speedrun. If you don't think anybody else would wanna run your category, adding it would only clutter up the boards.

  • Do a run of whatever you're requesting. A majority of all category ideas that are requested would end up never being run. Having an example run also aids in discussion of how unique/interesting the routes could be. Be sure to include a link to this run in your request.

  • If you know other people who already did a run of your category or are interested in running it, this will massively help your idea getting added to the boards. One of the main things we don't wanna have is a category run by one person that then sits dormant for 5 years.

  • Provide some sort of explanation about why you'd think your idea would make a good category. Think of it as a sales pitch.

  • If necessary for your category, provide rule specifications.

  • Your category should not be arbitrary. "Setting these 3 cvars to random values I thought of" is not a good category.

  • Your category should not be too similar to already existing categories (both main categories & extensions). If your idea is just an already existing category with a very minor detail added to it, it doesn't warrant its own leaderboard.

  • Your category should not be a custom map/mappack.

  • Unless strongly justified, your category should almost always start in the vault and end at the GLaDOS fight (starting at a specific later point would need some sort of official save specifically made for it). If your category is "bring the companion cube to glados", the unique part of this run would only encompass a handful of maps (17 and onwards).

lunaryyx and Donaldinio like this
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

that's just oob with 1 different shot at the end

spidernh and Pr0tal like this
thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

Discord is linked on the sidebar on the left. Under Guides in the same sidebar, there also is a tutorial google doc linked, which has tutorials on pretty much every trick (including double lag with keyboard inputs), so checking those out should help you.

thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

In order to clip through you need to be saveglitched. Make sure you don't shoot any portals too close to you during the saveglitch, since that cancels it.

YourGenericName likes this
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

Pretty sure you just can't buy it digitally anymore (so as long as you own it, you can install and uninstall it as much as you want). So if you wanna buy it, I guess the only options you have are either to buy it physically somewhere, or get it from some key-selling website (which I'm pretty sure will still work).

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

Sorry, but this just sounds a little too arbitrary. The Category extensions are supposed to be a lot more liberal with categories than the main leaderboards, but we don't wanna end up with 100+ categories lol. Also don't step let this stop you from running it, always remember that you don't need a leaderboard to speedrun

Pear likes this
thread: The Site
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

Not sure if this is the place to ask, but could you link the Portal Category Extensions ( ) to the Portal leaderboards ( ) via the new button for Category Extensions on the sidebar? Thank you.

Dangerless likes this
thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

Change on 09/25/2019

The Inbounds Legacy category has been renamed to Inbounds No SLA (No Saveload Abuse), and the rules adjusted accordingly. Old Legacy rules: "You are not allowed to use the save glitch, any double edge glitches in 18, or any edge glitch that places your theoretical body out of bounds (such as the 11/12 edge glitch.) RTA only tricks are not allowed. (buttonsaveglitch)."

New Inbounds No SLA rules: "You are NOT allowed to do any glitch/trick/route that requires you to utilize loading saves (this includes autosaves and map transitions). You're still allowed to use quicksaves, but everything in your run needs to be theoretically possible without using quicksaves."

Also the rule "Should you peek oob by accident and DID profit from it - you have to load the last save." has been reformulated to "If you or your placed portals end up in out of bounds space, you need to reload a save (however, accidentally doing clipping glitch in maps like chamber 10 is OK)." to make the actual meaning a little clearer.

Imaproshaman likes this
thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

Change on 09/23/2019

Added "Save Delay" (saveloading while a portal is travelling to delay it landing) to the list of banned glitches in Glitchless.

thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

When you click on a run, you should be able to click the dots in the bottom right and the options "Edit run" and "Delete run" should be there.

Also if anything is ever wrong with a run, it'll be rejected instead of floating in verification limbo lol. Verification just usually takes a few days.

Shizzal and PwobabwyOK like this
thread: Portal
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

Upload them somewhere (dropbox, google drive, or anything else you like) and put the link in the description part of your submission.

Teo likes this
About Goodigo
the cat extender
9 years ago
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Portal Category Extensions
Portal Category Extensions
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Tron: Evolution
Tron: Evolution
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Last run 9 years ago
Portal: Canonical Base of RxRxR
Orbo's Odyssey
Orbo's Odyssey
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Portal Category Extensions
Portal Category Extensions
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Tron: Evolution
Tron: Evolution
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In Verbis Virtus
In Verbis Virtus
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Portal: Canonical Base of RxRxR
Portal: Canonical Base of RxRxR
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Gnomes Vs Fairies: Greckel's Quest
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Lost Ember
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Tron 2.0
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Portal Category Extensions
Portal Category Extensions
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Destroy The Porn
Destroy The Porn
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Super Press Space To Win Action RPG
Tron: Evolution
Tron: Evolution
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Gnomes Vs Fairies: Greckel's Quest
Gnomes Vs Fairies: Greckel's Quest
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Bloody Boobs
Bloody Boobs
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