New run.
3 years ago

Where we will place this strange run, made by user "1826"? Its labeled as "Full game speedrun", what means "All campaigns" run. In its start speedrunner entered command "BN85C", and other moves were frameperfect, no map modification or cheat codes used.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
blasterpoard, Kesanka, ORANGUTAN 喜欢这个

I believe that we should change the rules to make sure that this is impossible - for example, not allowing the speedrunners to attack any pigs during the run should be enough to prevent any memory manipulation. The other option is to change the rules the way the runner himself suggested in the top comment of the video (it's in russian, you might need google translate).

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

But actually, if rules were changed, we could place in "Glitch%". But because we dont change the rules, this run dont break any rules (command "BN85C" is not a cheat, at least technically), this run can be submitted as "Human campaign" run, or maybe even as "All campaigns" run. Normal runs can be seen easy as they have much more time, so they distingusheble from "glitch" ones.


I'll be more direct then - this run is NOT real, which should be obvious to anyone who has seen the video or read the runner's comment that I mentioned. It was posted as a joke in our discord after an aspiring speedrunner came up with an idea to use W3's world editor in the speedruns, and it was created by modifying the game files. However, there are several russian youtubers in this discord, and one of them saw the link to this run. He either didn't get the joke, or just decided to clickbait anyway, and decided to make a video which popularized this "speedrun". By now, his video has over 1 million views and by now, he edited the video's description and top comment to let the viewers know the run is fake.

So, this run is a fake one. But, is it possible to make something similar without changing game files? Or speedruns in that absurd style (maybe even on other maps) can't be made in legitimate way? If so - can we make a "cheat" or "editor" category with that type of runs?

发布于 7 years ago
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