1826's speedrun career dramatic end
This runner, for some reason, deleted his speedruncom account, and all speedrun videos from youtube channel. So, we can't watch his speedruns anymore. 1826 came to warcraft 3 speedruns creating many full campaign runs WRs. But they all have been beaten one-by-one. Anyway, he is a big part of warcraft 3 speedruns history. He was one of the first, who made full campaign runs on hard difficulty. And he was moderator here for a long time. Let's remember 1826. Maybe he helped somebody with something? Or anyone watched his strats and took them to use? Or he was a motivator for beating his results? Maybe for some of you he was a good friend?
Have a good life without speedruns, 1826!
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关卡: Human 1: The Defense of Strahnbrad