Different platforms
3 years ago
California, USA

So I was doing math and I had a identical run to the record and turns of I’m on a different platform! so my clock goes faster because I run at 55 frames a second and they run at 60 frames a second so I got 41.4 when it was a 35.4 because of the frame difference maybe we could make a combined leaderboard or something i don’t know might take a while but for now I’ll just try to find new tricks and stuff and if you do make a mixed platform board i run around 17% slower

California, USA

we can put it to a vote but i would say just play the fastest platform. What are these platforms anyways?

California, USA

There’s ntsc and pal. ntsc runs with 55 frames a second and pal is 60 frames and your platform doesn’t change endless you use a vpn and I’m using a school computer so it doesn’t let me change my platform :/

California, USA

oh ok i see, I will do more research and make a decision.

California, USA



When the web game has region differences


I use Yandex games because it is a website with a massive advantage: it shows more of the game to you. what i mean by that is that a normal website shows you x, where x is the normal amount of pixels. the thing is, yandex games shows around 9x, meaning it shows about 9 screens of information in one, therefore handing me an advantage, as i can see where things are with more ease.

California, USA

Same it’s really helpful with the huge screen

Many_mamute 喜欢这个

Before I saw Lleah's speedruns, i used this neat website called Crazygames. it did give some ads, but when i got my adblocker in, all that was stopping me from getting perfect times was lag. I noticed that the developers were kind enough to get the game running at 30 fps, seeing that not every player would have the powerful computer to handle 60 fps, and i think thats nice. My computer is a surface pro book, which sound like pretty advanced, and it is, but the processor is absolute trash (an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300U CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.71 GHz) and only 8 Gigabytes of ram. That sound great, but is terrible. So my creative self found a solution: I got a thick book, lean my phone to it, and adjust the angle so the filming phone could see my computer screen. id start recording, and my gaming session would start. But recently, I found a better solution. Me and my family went to Ikea to get new furniture for the house, and I found this neat thing that holds your phone and has a torch. you can seperate them, and i did exactly that. i put the phone holder between me and the computer, and the phone will now capture everything. Finally no lag. I'll now be recording my speedrun attemps, especially the act 1 hard mode record as BooJace recently took it from me.

California, USA

I literally just hold my phone with my hand and record and I got a pretty steady hand so I record for like a hour before I have to take a ten minute break so I’ll be going for some better records soon


lol. Before i got the idea of leaning it on books, id hold it between my chin and my chest (those bones parallel to the chin of which i forgot the name of), and film. it was shaky, and if you see my older speedruns of Boxel 3D, youll see what i mean

Western Australia, Australia

I think that we should add a chrome extension version as well as the original version because I just beat the world record for Vex 5 Act 3 CHROME VERSION so I can't post it so please I send hours upon hours playing video games let me finally feal like I've achieved something.


if the run is in those hours, then yes. by the way, do you use windows, or apple? because if windows, just press win + G and youll open gamebox bar. that has a screen recording tool which is perfect for computer more powerful than mine

Western Australia, Australia

Yeah, I recorded it. I have the YT link right here:


thats vex 4

Western Australia, Australia

well now i feel like an idiot


its ok people do mistakes sometimes

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