California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

I don't really think anything needs to be explained to this guy. He's just throwing a tantrum because we're trying to sensibly divide the work load and reviewing of runs, between newer and older. Explain all we want, but this guy is D o n e. Sorry for wasting your time.

California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

Nix and Crazy helped set up all the rules, and this is what they presented to us. I just set it up on the board.

California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

You can use the normal Handgun, yes. (but you should use the burst, it's faster) No you cannot shoot your gun until Final Nemesis. (I'm adding that to the rules) Inferno isn't up because I don't think anyone has actually finished an attempt of it lol..

California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

Again, I must remind you that your reasoning of it being 'tedious' is completely and utter BS. You're SPEEDRUNNING. You are doing the same thing over and over and over and over again. As for the the hand issues? You seem to be dense to the fact that you're doing the same thing over and over and over and over again. Just because you skipped 4 minutes, doesn't mean you aren't going to be playing the rest of the possible 50+ minute run that you will have to be playing over and over and over and over again. You say RE7 NGH is popular, but it isn't... at all. Not even in the slightest. Your reasoning is just terrible, and I hope you realize how absolutely ridiculous you sound after numerous responses telling you exactly that. If you want to skip the apartment, by all means, do so. We're not making some MANDATORY category for you and a few other people to cut corners for disingenuous reasoning. You can play the game however you want, but this thread is done.

Zero, trashcat178 3 其他 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

No, no. My point is that speedrunning in itself is a tedious thing. You're doing the same things over and over. Just because I have to do the intro to RE4 that I always get the same time on, does that mean I should just skip it? No. Just because I have to sit through the first few unskippable cutscenes of Shenmue before doing the Out of Bounds in Dobuita, I should skip it? No. Just because I have to run all the way to town in Silent Hill 2 before anything interesting happens, does that mean I skip it? No. Just because I have to do the tutorial for Jet Set Radio every time before the main game starts, does that mean I skip it? No. Just because I have to play th-

These are all great examples of games that have something required in the beginning that may seem boring or tedious, but you just do them because that's the game, and there really aren't any extremely demanding things you have to do to complete these things.

Do you see how this speedrunning thing works? What were you expecting?

TrichaelMan, rehab 4 其他 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

It's been twenty days, and you're running a Resident Evil game. If you think you weren't going to reset and have to do something tedious every time, you clearly have no idea what you got yourself into with this whole speedrunning thing.

giaNco TrichaelMan 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

Okay that was slightly funny @uhtrance. Not the most helpful, though.

Anyways, the people who seem to like the idea of skipping the intro don't seem to have ever ran a game with an actual bad intro. Honestly, it's just 5 minutes, and you're still actually doing stuff. I also received a good description from a Fallout 4 runner as to why they even made their no intro category, and it's nowhere CLOSE to "it's just boring". When you gain control after the first 4 minutes, you need to use traffic cones to clip yourself through walls and ceilings, and it's heavily reliant on Bethesda item physics. It also involves a specific glitch at the time of the category being discussed, where you would perform the "coverslide" when leaving Vault 111, a trick that is reliant on your computer performance, and the only consistency is to stand on the same pixel perfect spot every time. Most runs would die to this 9 and a half minutes in. Think about that, and then think about the 5 minutes you spend on subway, involving only good movement and timing, which doesn't even ensure your pb.

TrichaelMan, MikeWave 3 其他 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

While those are good examples, they're also much longer than the 4 and a half minutes it takes to get past the subway train. Fallout 4's intro is about 8 minutes (without loads), and RE7's is over 15. I don't think 4 minutes is really much to fuss about, no matter how boring it may be to some. It's also much different for nightmare/inferno, where there's an extra zombie blocking the gated door to Dario.

Jakeeenator oujisan2236 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

Trashcat brings up some great points. I think you'll find that grinding this game will lead to strain on your hands, much like any other speedrun really. Comes with the territory of doing repetitive inputs over and over. Doesn't mean you have to suffer though. You might be mashing W too much on the staircase, and can probably just lightly tap it. Thank you for your input @trashcat178

As for what you said, @Orchlon, "it's boring af" isn't even close to being a good reason to skip an intro that you still have to master, and perform better than others to save time. You also unnecessarily decided to take a shot at the RE7 mods for making a Misc. category that the community didn't even really support much anyways. (for the same reasoning I just said above.) Seems unnecessary, and I'd be best to not throw shade because you disagree with something from a different game.

California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

The apartment is NOTHING compared to RE1 Remake Stair Skating, so that's not a good comparison at all. It's about 10 seconds of mashing the W key on staircases to save a few seconds. It's not that big of a deal at all.

Zero, CursedToast 5 其他 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

If you use a capture card, using OBS is recommended, as you can locally record a clean video, as well as display your livesplit/timer you're using to track your pace. We're simply asking, not forcing. It seems a bit silly to not display it, and could lead to possible suspicion if other things seem off about your run during verification. Having the local recording and timer on screen helps a lot.

California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

@xDrHellx No, there isn't. I don't really know why you're trying to convince me of such, when I am the one looking at all of the variable options that the website allows me to utilize for this games board.

California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

This isn't our choice. It's the way the Variables are designed and setup on this site. You create two FPS variables to fit two categories. Any% PC, and Any% NG+ PC. Therefore, the FPS variables both show up in the Filters. It SHOULD still filter correctly when picking 120 or 60 in either category.

California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

Hey everyone! We're happy to announce that the boards are officially open for submissions! Please make sure that you read all the rules before submitting! Please be patient with us mods during this time. Your run could take anywhere between a couple of days, to a couple of weeks to verify. It all depends on how much activity there is. Have fun everyone!

Shadowist_, RezurrectJohn 11 其他 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

Was really cool to see people come together and post their progress here! Now that the boards are open, this post doesn't really need to exist anymore, and you can share all of your progress in the Discord and on the board! Have fun everyone!

NuZ, Jakeeenator, Blucker12 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

Knife Only and Handgun Only are confirmed as categories, just won't go live on the boards on the 19th. They'll go live sometime afterwards, when more concrete rules have been agreed upon by the runners who are actually running the categories. They may not be prioritized for the official launch of the boards, but they are certainly recognized.

andrewlim 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

@TeaTotalTemplar As CursedToast mentioned, the timer is what was the possible invalidation. It's even explained in the post what happened.

Anyways, pausing was allowed for no more than 2 minutes in RE2R. Some people were happy with this, some were not. If the majority is okay with this rule being grandfathered in, then that's fine! Just let us know, without throwing unneeded shade or instigating comments. It's all a WIP.

Jadusable2 CursedToast 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

@IgorAlmeida There's no need for that man. Cursed has put 100% more effort into making things even for all players than anyone in this forum. Don't try to throw him under the bus like that. He's stating his views on the topic, and you two just seem to disagree. That's okay. I think everyone would appreciate it if we avoid that kind of behavior here on the forums, and just agree to disagree when it comes up.

As for the split? Asking for a split when the run's route/strats are exactly the same is quite silly, and the 120 cap should be fine, as everyone will be able to cap without 3rd party software, via their GPU drivers. (3rd party software shouldn't really be an issue in the first place.) We'll gladly put a variable up so people can filter, though.

PC Speedrunning, for the most part, requires your PC to be viable to run the game as optimally as possible. Other communities would laugh at this discussion of capping framerate when the run doesn't change whatsoever. Sucks that RE3R has busted cutscene transitions that effect IGT, but can we all just chill and be thankful that it's not as broken as swinging a knife at every boss in the game?

My suggestion is that you run the game, be the best you can be, and have fun while it's still a fresh experience. New strategies, new routes, and pbs galore. Enjoy it, and please give each other a break on this. We're all passionate about it, and care quite a bit, but there's no need to let that passion consume you to the point of publicly pointing fingers because someone disagrees with your views. I care a lot about the way this game is handled as well, especially after the shit show I went through with RE2R. Myself, and the other moderators, are doing our best to do what seems right in the situation we're in, and I assure you that the plans we have are going to result in a healthy board.

Since this post has really gone through pretty much all of the discussion it has needed to, I'm going to lock this one, and we'll post a more relevant forum update in the coming days. Have a good weekend everyone.

TrichaelMan, liam_retro 12 其他 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

That's not a glitch. There are no glitches that we're aware of so far. Maybe when an out of bounds is found, we'll look into it. For now, just run the game, as it's already glitchless.

Raathiaan 喜欢这个
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

We're aware @NulliferBones ! We brought it up and they should be fixing it soon. Thanks for looking out.

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