CanadaTrash-N-Treasure11 months ago

It's been a week since posting, so I'm BUMPing for attention.

CanadaTrash-N-Treasure11 months ago

Hey mods (and anyone else readin' this) Was just hoping that some of the obsolete runs in the various Co-Op Tournament sections could get deleted. This includes...

Co-Op Easy: the Rongus & Gary 7:36 time https://www.speedrun.com/twisted_metal_2/runs/z57ejeem and the Rongus & Gary 6:30 time https://www.speedrun.com/twisted_metal_2/runs/z1oj92rm since Rongus & Gary hold a time of 6:17, there old times don't matter/are obsolete

Co-Op Medium: Rongus & friend's 21:26 time https://www.speedrun.com/twisted_metal_2/runs/znr06k9y Which the description for Rongus & Gary's 17:28 time says is also theirs

Co-Op Hard: Yamishitsuji & Cid81's 18:27 time https://www.speedrun.com/twisted_metal_2/runs/zxg8ojgy Since Cid81 & Yahmishitsuji also have the 15:31 time

I assume in the case of Cid and Yamishitsuji, it was because their name's switched order between the 2 runs that the system didn't recognize them as the same runners.

In Rongus and Gary's case, the system would never recognize it as the same people as each time they run Gary's name is always formatted differently instead of using his account like they did for the 1 run https://www.speedrun.com/users/Gary

Anyway, hope it helps! Thanks again mod team

Aurethious The_Lad 喜欢这个
主题: Rumble Roses
CanadaTrash-N-Treasure4 years ago

I'm concerned on a website called Speedrun.com where the major goal is speed/completing a set objective quickly; an above average importance on challenge/obstacle has been placed. Now it makes sense (you can even see it in other games) to have a category that limits certain strats/techniques; but essentially a game-wide blanket ban on a non-glitch/cheat move seems... just odd for lack of a better word. Like making a rule you can't use Special moves in Tony Hawk cause they give to many points in a combo, or not using NOS in a racing game cause it boosts speed beyond an average top speed of a vehicle.

What that then turns into is, you have people here who DO play the game saying it's a turn off from playing the game further; so you can just imagine what that'll do to any POTENTIAL runners desire to run the game "Wait, there is a in game way to get a good fight time; but it's deemed TOO effective? So they want me to set a fast time that is not TOO fast? No thanks." It'd be like sand-bagging for a drag race, no real fun/desire to participate.

The community was growing slowly and surely over the past 12 months through tightening of the rules and being simply a straight forward game to participate in. And I'm just concerned that the game is going to simply dry and and go away due to becoming to complicated. It's not a desirable/active game by any means to begin with; and if the entry-level is too high, then it's over for this game.

Did that guy who wrote in the forum who really created a lot of motivation to change all the categories to these challenge run type things ever reach back out? I know this change only happened recently, but it's painful to see empty categories across the board. It also goes back into what I'm saying, cause can you imagine someone who doesn't know the game clicking on it, and trying to navigate the page to see the categories? Most of the people who have submitted runs/commented on videos were speedrunners who knew nothing about the game itself. So seeing all those options and categories can be decently overwhelming, and then factor in rules about not to many submissions and whatnot; it's not a very welcoming game.

That said, maybe I'm completely wrong on this one. It could just be bitterness from seeing the work I did getting this game active to potentially be for not. I hope that the changes implemented will make this game bigger then it ever has been; but I feel that it's just making the game not at all enticing to new runners. Maybe it's a difference in philosophy; I feel Rumble Roses is not at ALL a popular game, and thus the audience to appeal to is speedrunners looking for a casual game. And the changes implemented thus far are geared towards Rumble Roses players/fans, which is a VERY shallow pool to draw from.

All of this info is simply for consideration purposes. I chose to step down as Head Moderator on my own accord, and with that I knew I will no longer be steering the ship in any way haha. The more opinions and views from others you have, the better you will be able to make a game for others to enjoy.

  • TnT
StagMaster15 喜欢这个
主题: Rumble Roses
CanadaTrash-N-Treasure5 years ago

UPDATE: I am now the Mod for this game.

The new timing rules are...

  • Run Starts At The Starting Bell Of The First Match
  • Run Ends At The Ending Bell Of The Final Match
  • Cutscenes can be skipped (recommended if you want a good time)
  • Time still runs during loading and cutscenes

If further detail is required or if you have any questions, I've written a new forum post in regards to timing for this game (or questions can be asked here I guess :P)

主题: Rumble Roses
CanadaTrash-N-Treasure5 years ago

Hey people,

I've newly been appointed Mod by Speedrun.com staff, and with that I've made a few changes (such as adding missing characters, completing some housekeeping, standardizing times, etc.)

In regards to run times, you may notice I've gone in and edited all currently submitted times (at time of this posting, 09.10.19) This was because each of the runs submitted till now had different timing methods; and thus, didn't really mean anything (part of why I'm a Mod now)

Now that times are all being measured the same way, I want to go into detail the new standardized timing rule (I've listed it in each run, but I can go into further detail here for those who need it/are curios)

  1. Runs are to be done single segment; meaning if you lose a match and need to restart it, that clock keeps counting (unless of course you restart the run completely)

  2. The run is of each character's (each character has their own category) playthrough of Story Mode

  3. Your run can be on any difficulty (there is not enough runs to dictate needing to break it up by difficulty, and this game is extremely niche at this time)

  4. Runs can only be done with Normal speed for both Lethal Charge Speed and Humiliation Charge Speed. As increasing it makes the game FAR to simple, and decreasing it is pointless for a quick time.

  5. The run starts at the single ring of the bell that starts the first match, and ends at the three rings of the bell at the end of the final match

  6. You can skips any cutscenes/cinematics (by pressing the buttons, no splicing/editing video to accomplish this)

  7. The run time includes all cinematics, loading screens, etc., found between the starting bell of the first match and the ending bell of the last match (the time keeps going even if you hit pause)

I think that just about covers everything. The most important thing is that have fun; this is a goofy game and it's a goofy speedrun.

If you have any questions/suggestions, please feel free to reply and I'll reply ASAP.

P1ZZAC4T 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
CanadaTrash-N-Treasure5 years ago


I'm putting in a request in regards to https://www.speedrun.com/Rumble_Roses

I've submitted about 6 runs (different "categories") a month ago, reached out to the Mod (DrXdGamerpaulo) in forums, and then after a few weeks of not hearing back I sent them an email. I have not heard back from them at all on any of these mediums.

Outside of my own runs/messages, there was another forum post asking about the rules (which ARE NOT clearly listed) that has been left unanswered for 2 years. And in general (outside of aesthetics) the whole page is really poorly organized/missing info (not sure if this matters, but I'm sure it's turning away the rare few other potential runners of this extremely niche game)

I think that covers everything highlighted in the original post. Thank you for your time, look forward to hearing back from you.

主题: Rumble Roses
CanadaTrash-N-Treasure5 years ago

Hey hombre, just stumbled onto this game (as far as speedruns go) Shame the Mod left a couple threads loose here. But I saw from one of HIS runs of the games that he considers the rules to be from the start of the very first match to the end of the final match (Miss X Substance fight)

Keep in mind though that after watching the few runs that ARE up for this game, this is never actually the time posted (ex. a 16:36 long video that shows it takes 15:21 to complete, will be saved as a 16:36 run)

At the same time, I see your comment was from 2 years ago, and that you're most likely not even interested anymore haha

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