Timing Rule Change
5 years ago

Hey people,

I've newly been appointed Mod by Speedrun.com staff, and with that I've made a few changes (such as adding missing characters, completing some housekeeping, standardizing times, etc.)

In regards to run times, you may notice I've gone in and edited all currently submitted times (at time of this posting, 09.10.19) This was because each of the runs submitted till now had different timing methods; and thus, didn't really mean anything (part of why I'm a Mod now)

Now that times are all being measured the same way, I want to go into detail the new standardized timing rule (I've listed it in each run, but I can go into further detail here for those who need it/are curios)

  1. Runs are to be done single segment; meaning if you lose a match and need to restart it, that clock keeps counting (unless of course you restart the run completely)

  2. The run is of each character's (each character has their own category) playthrough of Story Mode

  3. Your run can be on any difficulty (there is not enough runs to dictate needing to break it up by difficulty, and this game is extremely niche at this time)

  4. Runs can only be done with Normal speed for both Lethal Charge Speed and Humiliation Charge Speed. As increasing it makes the game FAR to simple, and decreasing it is pointless for a quick time.

  5. The run starts at the single ring of the bell that starts the first match, and ends at the three rings of the bell at the end of the final match

  6. You can skips any cutscenes/cinematics (by pressing the buttons, no splicing/editing video to accomplish this)

  7. The run time includes all cinematics, loading screens, etc., found between the starting bell of the first match and the ending bell of the last match (the time keeps going even if you hit pause)

I think that just about covers everything. The most important thing is that have fun; this is a goofy game and it's a goofy speedrun.

If you have any questions/suggestions, please feel free to reply and I'll reply ASAP.

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
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