主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee5 years ago

Personally, I haven't looked into emulated speedruns of SF1 as of late. I know that emulators are now quite close to the original hardware, but since the speedrun is so dependent on how the hardware handles the gamespeed/lag I would find it really hard to be 100% sure that they would play the same.

I'm open to seeing proof/examples that they would run the same but as of now, I haven't really been looking to include emulators for speedruns.

Rennyur 喜欢这个
主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee8 years ago

Cool man, thank you very much for doing this. :D Your a fuckin boss.

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee8 years ago

I would just call it Out Of This Dimension, personally

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee8 years ago

Oh shit, I missed that completely lol. That was all me lol, the more detail the better!

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee8 years ago

Zewing and I will be making changes to the layout of the leaderboards, making it so that we use sub-categories (Warps, Warpless, 100%) and have it be much more streamlined and simpler. If you have any runs to submit, please do so before the 5th of April, for we will be manually backing up the runs and then editing the board.

We will let you guys know when it's safe to submit your runs.

Thank you!

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee8 years ago

Thanks for doing this man! Even though you can only do this from the stage select screen this is still super duper helpful.

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

Also wanted to add a picture of the best place to shoot Andross. His eye hitbox extends much farther than it looks, and with the recent light of Fling84 getting a one-cycle on Andross today (), this is the best place to shoot and line yourself up at. It is possible guys!!!


主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

Ahh k, gotcha. Yeah, this should make more sense now lol.

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

Yeah, now that you say that I did see you throw a nova bomb at the bottom of the Attack Carrier without detonating manually and it seems to work... it's such a weird strategy lol. I'll edit that right now, thanks man!

I'm starting to pile together a bunch of clips of "perfect" boss fights or routing on stages and uploading them to a playlist on YouTube so that people can just check it out and see what the strategies look like in real time. For example, your Professor Hangar on your Level 2 Any% Warpless WR video is practically perfect if you did the barrel-roll shooting at the end, so that would be a good one to do.

EDIT: This sound better? "The consistent method is to throw 2 bombs at it, but for the quick death method you want to just spam shoot it and time your first bomb when he is a bomb away from death. Though, the position of where you throw the nova bomb can be anywhere from directly at his middle section, to the bottom or top middle. The strategy is still in the works, so it is unclear whether you need to directly hit him with the bomb or hit him from behind, so watching the video can give you an idea of what to shoot for."

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

If you guys are interested, I made an updated guide for this category showcasing the current strategies/routing. I'm planning on doing one for Level 2 and 3, as well. Let me know if this is helpful! Feel free to let me know in here whether you have something to add and I can gladly do so. :D


EDIT: I added a section on Andross One Cycle, due to it now being confirmed possible. Go check it out!

DownTheUpstair fling84 喜欢这个
主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

Yeah, definitely. This really just applies to the people who use the backwards timer.

BroDudeMan 喜欢这个
主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

Due to some recent findings by Fling84, the -33.5 second delay on the timer you use (LiveSplit, XSplit, Llanfair, etc.) that was commonly accepted for all runs is no longer accurate for Level 2 and Level 3 Corneria.

What we have identified as the frame where you gain control is the first frame you are able to boost when holding the button down. The moment you should start your backwards timer is on the debriefing screen where General Pepper is giving you a rundown of Corneria, where pressing Start/A/B will initiate him saying "Good luck!".

For all warp runs (which start in Level 1 Corneria) and Level 1 Warpless runs (which also start in Level 1 Corneria), the timer delay should still be -33.5 seconds because that is accurate.

For all Level 2 Warpless runs the timer delay should be -34 seconds instead of -33.5 because the frame where you gain control of your Arwing seems to be half a second later on this route (due to a slightly longer intro animation when you exit the tunnel).

Lastly, for all Level 3 Warpless runs the timer delay should be -33.75 seconds instead of -33.5 for similar reasons to the Level 2 Warpless run.

Here is a link to Fling84's video explaining his testing process and what I just explained above in higher detail. Please take a look if you are interested, and also please let us know if you find anything that may need to be changed based on your own testing.

P.S. After counting the exact frames, it does seem to be a 10th of a second off in some cases though for the sake of consistency, I propose we round it to the nearest 1/4 of a second, albeit -33.5 for Level 1 Warpless and all Warp runs, -34 for all Level 2 Warpless runs and -33.75 for all Level 3 Warpless runs.

Thank you guys very much for reading and please let me know of anything you think down below.

BroDudeMan DownTheUpstair 喜欢这个
主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

Yeah, that could be possible that it really doesn't have any changes... Skybilz (another Starfox runner) said she didn't see any immediate differences but to be fair she hasn't tested it too much.

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

Damn, well that's interesting... Gotta be on the lookout for that then for anyone who wants to buy one. I really thought that was the main indicator. I gotta get myself a v1.2 cart so I can do some testing lol.

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

Yeah, I will update that when I get home today along with adding v1.2 as an option since I know of one person who owns a copy. Oh really??? Well shit, I thought that was a clear indicator. So your cartridge just has 2 numbers on the back and no letter?

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

I can confirm that a v1.1 cart is actually not that rare, for me, I believe Harvtronix and BroDudeMan all have one. They are identified by having a big horizontal indent on the front. In the stickied thread I made a Googledoc on how to distinguish them if this helps. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16Wk6dSTthMP-4m-8KUcHfOsL4brf_TOQ7NnszRzin6k/edit)

1.2 seems to be similiar to v1.1 with the reduced amount of enemies in Venom Orbit and Asteroid Belt, and better overall performance than the original v1.0. I know Skybilz has a v1.2 cart, and those are rarer I think.

EDIT: Also, my v1.1 cartridge have 2 numbers and the letter "A" on the back, just so you know.

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

All those points I completely agree on lol. Couldn't have said it better myself. I also really like the simplicity of the game, yet due to the lag and how weird the game is programmed... it has proved to be way more in depth than I first thought.

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

EDITED: In order for us to verify your run, the video has to start at least before the startup "Nintendo Presents" and ends after the score screen after killing Andross. The best place to cut it off would be right before the staff roll (the boss montage). This is so that we have proof of the run in its entirety and your score will be set in stone (Venom Surface score is not shown until that screen and that is very important to determine an any% run or 100% run)

Additonally, for the Out Of This Dimension run, have the video end after the "The End" letters show up.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me or any of the other mods. Thank you!

f1 喜欢这个
主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

Yeah you gotta make a profile and then link it via IRC. I forget where the link is but if you join the IRC chat someone can help you for sure.

主题: Star Fox
California, USALowKeeee9 years ago

Hell yeah man, I want to set up a race on SRL for us some time in the future. We just all have to be streaming while racing and it should be a blast!

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