Level 1 Warpless Any% Route/Boss Guide
9 years ago
California, USA

If you guys are interested, I made an updated guide for this category showcasing the current strategies/routing. I'm planning on doing one for Level 2 and 3, as well. Let me know if this is helpful! Feel free to let me know in here whether you have something to add and I can gladly do so. :D


EDIT: I added a section on Andross One Cycle, due to it now being confirmed possible. Go check it out!

DownTheUpstair fling84 喜欢这个
Ontario, Canada

Minor nitpick with regards to the Attack Carrier quick kill strat:

"it has to detonate from behind his center for the quick death animation to work"

I disagree with this. I've seen that happen and result in the quick kill, but it's by no means a requirement. In my last two PBs, you can very clearly see the bomb just hits him dead on and kills him the exact frame it collides with him (in other words, it doesn't move through/behind him). Also, for reference, I ¤never¤ detonate the bomb early, I just wait for it to hit him all on it's own.

I just don't like seeing things like this in strategies that imply you have to do it a certain way 100% of the time, which is not the case here. :)

Otherwise, looking great. We definitely needed something like this. Should supplement with some more screenshots / small video clips showing things like nova bomb timing, etc.

LowKeeee 喜欢这个
California, USA

Yeah, now that you say that I did see you throw a nova bomb at the bottom of the Attack Carrier without detonating manually and it seems to work... it's such a weird strategy lol. I'll edit that right now, thanks man!

I'm starting to pile together a bunch of clips of "perfect" boss fights or routing on stages and uploading them to a playlist on YouTube so that people can just check it out and see what the strategies look like in real time. For example, your Professor Hangar on your Level 2 Any% Warpless WR video is practically perfect if you did the barrel-roll shooting at the end, so that would be a good one to do.

EDIT: This sound better? "The consistent method is to throw 2 bombs at it, but for the quick death method you want to just spam shoot it and time your first bomb when he is a bomb away from death. Though, the position of where you throw the nova bomb can be anywhere from directly at his middle section, to the bottom or top middle. The strategy is still in the works, so it is unclear whether you need to directly hit him with the bomb or hit him from behind, so watching the video can give you an idea of what to shoot for."

Ontario, Canada

Yeah I think that's better. What I was trying to avoid was giving someone a false impression of where they have to aim the bomb at, which may / may not make it harder for someone attempting the strat for the first time have a harder time with it. But I think this sounds a lot better.

(Complete disclosure -- when I do this strat, I don't even think about where I'm aiming the bomb, I just fire and forget, LOL)

California, USA

Ahh k, gotcha. Yeah, this should make more sense now lol.

California, USA

Also wanted to add a picture of the best place to shoot Andross. His eye hitbox extends much farther than it looks, and with the recent light of Fling84 getting a one-cycle on Andross today (), this is the best place to shoot and line yourself up at. It is possible guys!!!
