We're going to allow Mupen64Plus for emulator submissions but we will require the emulator window to be shown for both Mupen64Plus and OpenEmu.
After much consideration we have decided to ban emulator and Virtual Console of all versions from the SM64 leaderboard. We believe this will assist in making our competition fair and consistent.
We have hidden VC and emu from view but will leave them for legacy reasons.
This is something we've talked about for quite a long time but never really thought about doing it this way. We originally wanted the option built into speedrun.com but then this idea came up.
This column will default to yes. It is only for times that have videos of poor quality. We're still working on it so it's not going to be totally accurate for a bit.
This does not mean times without a video will be allowed in the future. It is purely for videos that don't quite meet the quality standards. On the submission page you can just ignore the drop-down.
We are introducing a cut-off rule for webcam recordings, banning submission of times that are: 120 star - Sub 2 70 star - Sub 1 16 star - Sub 19 All runs before today will still be allowed on the leaderboard. This is for future runs.
On top of this, a rule for reset timing is being introduced. Reset timing will henceforth be banned, so only use of the power switch is allowed (only applies to N64 runs) Also, GameShark is not allowed to be used to do runs, whether you have chosen to play the game without codes or not. This means you have to show power on. People were able to use the reset button with the GameShark in which is the main reason reset timing rules are being changed.
Not 4? People have said it was 4 for years and not once has anybody corrected it.
Please do not submit times with decimals. 99% of the time they are inaccurate human inputs on LiveSplit so shouldn't even be considered. To the very few people that retime their videos (properly), we currently only use milliseconds on top times of short categories for tidiness purposes. It creates extra unnecessary effort to verify times that need to have the milliseconds removed. Thanks
Thanks to Shans for pointing out the ability to change the VI refresh rate in this version. You can see the difference in this video (credit to wrm):
This applies to future runs, past runs (probably not many as 1.7 isn't used much) will stay.
While the process of showing the emulator used before, throughout or at the end of the run was helpful in some ways, overall it wasn't as beneficial as the effort needed to maintain it. We think that people get the message about cheating/stealing runs so we've decided that you no longer have to show proof that you're using Project64 v1.6 for the time being. If we think it may be a problem some time in the future, it's possible it will come back. If you have recently had a run rejected for not knowing, forgetting or not showing enough proof, please resubmit. Thanks
All future emulator submissions need to show proof of the emulator used.