How to make 8-4 WJ more contestant??
1 year ago

at the start of wall jump room walk off the pipe not holding B. when in the air after walking off the pipe start holding B. do a forwards walljump. that setup gives you 2 frames to do the walljump instead of 1.

Kalaphant Scrimsion 喜欢这个
United States

I'm new but what has worked for me is, Jumping off the pipe to WJ pixel. I was unable to ever hit it the normal way.

Something else I just started fooling around with is, Not holding R when I jump, Then resuming holding R during the jump.

Don't know if it's just me but it seems to hit the pixel more often.

Runs At Risk

Following Twitch’s announcement regarding the 100-hour storage limit for Highlights, the SMB1 mod team recommends that runners reupload any previously submitted Twitch highlights to a permanent video hosting website (e.g., YouTube) and resubmit any submissions labelled as "at-risk".

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