Messed Up M-2 Which Led to 17 second time loss in bowser fight.
(im writing this 23 hours after uploading the run, i just read the load time rules (something i should have done a long time ago) and found out that some runs lose 13.050 seconds due to load times on homebrewed consoles. my console does have homebrew so does this affect this run in any way. If so my run would be around 26:44.710)
[Mod note: I didn't notice any irregularities with the load times so the subtraction isn't necessary. Retimed to 26:57.550]
I'm sure many have heard the news that Twitch is cracking down on users that have more than 100 hours of uploaded content on Twitch. This affects plenty of speedrunners who might have used Twitch for submissions or simply to store runs. If this change actually comes into effect (April 19th is judgme