100% category
United States

Hey, Im just learning this game, and realized there are lots of powerups that arent needed for fast times, but would be fun to collect for a 100% run. My first question, is wondering if this cateogry has been discussed before and would any one else be interested in it? My second question is , is there any guide for where all the items are? I first started routing it and getting every treasure chest (maybe treasure chest%), but then found out there are hidden items. What would 100% include, all pipe/forks, heart drops, etc.? I haven't found any resources that have the locations of hidden items listed, but I'm happy to route this out myself and share the findings with everyone here. Excited to hear anyones thoughts, this game is awesome!

ZL, ChucklesW73 4 其他 喜欢这个

Curious to see what a 100% run would entail. Could it also be only the "upgrades" for Ariel so full powered bubble and range?

Now you made me think about Low% and pacifist run!

ChucklesW73, polsvoice 2 其他 喜欢这个
Maryland, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Low% (so never getting the first bubble) or Pacifist would be so much fun I think haha

ZL, ChucklesW73 4 其他 喜欢这个

Since shooting 2 bubbles takes time, any% might be best to do "almost pacifist".

For pacifist, you'd have to make every hit on bosses count because if you miss, you kill an enemy for nothing. Also, you can't have a bubble hit another fish so you'd have to also watch out on boss fight. Sounds like a fun little challenge.

United States

I've done some more routing of the 100% and found something interesting. The game gives you (either clearly or hidden) shells to open every single chest, so it is possible to run a category 'All Treasure Chests'. However, you can use these shells in secret hidey holes that when you place them in, reveal either a fork, pipe, or hearts. The issue here is that there are more hidey holes than items that can 'open' them, so in fact it is impossible to get '100%' of all items in every level. So the 100% category could be just 'All Treasure Chests', which is actually a lot of fun to play with Ariel's bubbles maxed for power and distance. There might be a way to find the maximum allowable number of pipe/fork pickups given how many there are, but it is impossible to get every drop in the game. So after some though and routing, I think a cool/interesting/fun category extension could be 100% (All Treasure Chests). What do you all think? I already routed it a bit, if I get any feedback I'll run this tonight to make a 'first' time in the category :)


I don't want any other category for this game.

This game is so clean so far, so let's keep it like that forever.

So if you guys can count my vote, my vote is no thanks. Let's keep it simple just with one category.

ViggoTheeCarpathian 喜欢这个
Florida, USA

I’d vote to add at least the 100% category as well as anything else that makes sense. This game doesn’t get enough love and anything to get more people to run it would be great. I’d love to see the routing you come up with Viggo. Adding more categories soon would make MerMay even more awesome!

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
BlackwoodRecordings, JosephHTobinJr 2 其他 喜欢这个
Florida, USA

I think more categories is a great idea!


If you make a run in such a category, send an application for any% and indicate in the comments which category thats run was in and I will create this category.

Lefloic, ChucklesW73 2 其他 喜欢这个
United States

Will do! I have work/childcare for the next few hours, so hopefully nobody runs this before I get back to my computer tonight. Should be able to get a run up rather quickly since I routed this the past 2 days, so I'll be sure to make and submit the run tonight.

I will also attach with it the rules I am using/making up regarding what is 100%!

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
ChucklesW73 polsvoice 喜欢这个

I think this needs to wait until more people come an put their thoughts or opinions.

Runners and players of the game.

I totally against it, I think is better keep it clean and simple with the one category we already have. That is the beautiness of this section of the leaderboard, has been always been super clean.

Or is it already a fact that It will be created?


For what reasons should I refuse to create a category by a person if he has already done a run for this game in this category? If a person wants, why should I refuse him?

SZero01, ZL 2 其他 喜欢这个

I think we need at least the consensus of the 2 moderators and more people (players of the game) give their opinions and thougts.

My reason is to keep it clean this leaderboard, keep it simple, like it has always been or correct me if I am wrong. There should be a strong reason why in the past it didn't became a second category.

Would love first to hear other players opinions, before make it official. Correct me If I am wrong.


Doesn't it make it more barren than clean to have only one category? I can understand when games have 20 categories plus a misc section plus another page but this is not the case here I think. Looking at other NES Disney games, they have a couple categories : 100%, Pacifist and Damageless being popular (maybe even low%).

With a couple runners talking about playing the game in May there seems to be a bit of hype around the game so the leaderboards for these categories probably won't be for only 1 runner.

My 2 cents :) Cheers

BlackwoodRecordings, JosephHTobinJr 2 其他 喜欢这个
United States

As someone who enjoys 100% categories, I'm more likely to pick up the game if that's an option. Not everyone enjoys the any% grind. I can't think of a good reason to not allow it.

polsvoice 喜欢这个
Oklahoma, USA

I vote more categories! Sounds fun! :D

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
ZL, ChucklesW73, polsvoice 喜欢这个
Florida, USA

yes... we are planning to have an event in May (MerMay) which should increase the visibility of the game. Adding valid categories to a fun game like this can do nothing but help the community grow!

ChucklesW73 喜欢这个

Ok guys, fair enough. You win. I already tested, didn't like it, but I tried to adapted. So no problem go ahead if you wish, I won't say anything against anymore.

Michigan, USA

In my opinion, keeping the board "clean" by not adding any more categories doesn't make any sense and there is no good reason to not allow more to be added . It will only make the board look better and grow the community and bring in new runners. A lot of people are way more interested in 100% than any %. So, I think adding new categories is a great idea and i look forward to watching people run them!

beerfullofbelly ChucklesW73 喜欢这个

Let's all know once it was opened so we can see the result.

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