Dos CD edition
2 years ago
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

there are two official versions of dos lemmings the normal version and the CD version. in the CD version they changed the splat hight making it so that we all fall down is possible without using a singe skill. the question is: is this CD version allowed for dos runs? (note that there are two veesions of the cd version but the only diffrence is the music otherwise both are the same) (refrence vid for the CD version )

编辑者 作者 2 years ago

The 1993 disc release of this game (I believe we are referring to this one in particular:,36344/ and ) is an MS-DOS rerelease of this game.

DOS 3.0 was out, and Windows 3.1, was a layer over DOS. Whether playing it directly from a DOS operating system, or with Windows 3.1 installed as OS (whether hardware installed or emulated), it would be marked as a DOS run of the game.

Besides the banging music, the game appears to run very closely to the original DOS version, and it's funny that the one main difference appears to be a slightly larger drop allowance.

It's every something that needs to be accounted for separately in the future for whatever reason, the runs can be separated at a later time. For the mean time, if it appears to be the functionally fastest version of the DOS releases, then I would use it.

She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

ok yeah im still looking if it saves enough time over the high performance mode in the normal version but its unlikely to save enough time cause the slow fadeouts in high performance mode can save a lot of time

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