Cheated Fake Runs
5 years ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

First of all sorry for my bad english, i´m from Brazil So... I found this game recently and tried to get 45 because i thought that it was the best score possible to me to achieve, and I went to see the WR and the 2´s places and I realize that it had 2 fakes runs, the 1° place of Flaks and the 2° place of the mad king since 3 things

1- when you get 9 buckets you move to the 3 point line and it goes further, and in the 45 you got to be like beetwen the line and the ending of the screen or almost getting off of the screen, in the 48 you MUST be almost getting off of the screen, and it´s doesn´t happen in Flaks screenshot, he is like very close to the 3 point line

2- In the mad king screenshot you can clearly see that he changed his score by at the ending of the game you can select your score, right click at it and inspect element and change the number to whatever you want but YOU CAN OBVIUSLY see behind the 3 stars and the score, the real score at the eletronic thing that was 27 above the dude that shoots the ball, and again he is like very close to the 3 line, thing that can´t happen in such high score

3- And the last thing is like the amount of balls on the floor, to make 51 you should get 20 buckets, 9 of 2 and 11 of 3 points, it´s almost impossible due the fact that you have to wait very long to throw the last balls, and if you count the amount of balls on the floor of Flaks it did´nt get even close to the half, and others records you can see the number of balls almost close to the one they bucket

And that´s it, i know its not a very active game page but man, it´s like very bullshit to fake like this the WR, thanks

LordParoah, supercrazestar 3 其他 喜欢这个

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