Cleaning up the leaderboard
4 years ago

After all the controversy concerning the first places came to my attention, I realized that there were two ways to go about this whole thing. Either remove them all or remove none of them.

I do not know when the rule that made video in submissions necessary was put into effect, so i couldn't split up the runs in that way.

Some of the runs like the only 51 on the leaderboard and 2 out of the 4 48s in the leaderboard were obviously fake. The other 2 48s looked a lot more legit but were still very questionable as they were only screenshots of the end score, which could be really easily manipulated using either photo editing software, or just "Inspect element" to change the score.

So i decided to delete all the top scores that didn't have video proof supporting them. That included: The single 51 score, the four 48s , and more than half of the 45s on the leaderboard.

From now on video is necessary if you're contending for any of the top spots. Screenshots shall be allowed if your score is under 45 ( the rules will also be updated)

I apologize for all the confusions the top scores may have caused in the past and in the present, they were all verified by my predecessors, and I strive to correct them.

Thanks to @afnannen136 and @GioGioTorres for bringing this issue to my attention.

If you have any further questions write them here.


编辑者 作者 4 years ago
grntsz afnannen136 喜欢这个
New trophy icons!

Special thanks to LordParoah for creating new trophy icons <3 paroah#4395

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