New Rule on Multiple Game Instances
New Rule on Multiple Game Instances
发布于 1 year ago

A new skip was found that used multiple game instances to skip office, lights out, cave system, and field of wheat. This would now make 4-5 game instances necessary for the most optimal run. Obviously, there are issues with this, so we have decided to ban multiple game instance strategies. We see this is the best solution for our leaderboards. Our reasons being:

  1. The most optimal time would require around 4-5 game instances

  2. Banning new skips is weird when the underlying issue of why people want them banned is because it requires extra game instances

  3. Not everybodys computer can run multiple game instances well

  4. Multiple game instances are hard to set up in OBS

  5. Can be argued that its not necessarily solo since you are controlling multiple players by yourself

Note: this ban does not affect older versions any%.

We understand this is something not everyone wants, but we believe it was the best option.

If you would want to run a separate category that allows multiple game instances, please let us know because we fear that no one will run it if we do add it

No Major Glitches rules revamp

No Major Glitches rules were updated to include all disallowed glitches instead of all allowed glitches. Hopefully that makes this category less confusing. Also running with TVs in Level 188 Expanded is allowed with these new rules.

9 months ago
发布于 1 month ago
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发布于 6 months ago
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