New autosplitter
由@theframeburglar cooked up a new autosplitter update that brings it to older version and adds new features: pausing timer while loading and autosplitter for non-hosts! Starting from 03/29/2024 ALL new runs on ALL updates will require the autosplitter (update 1 ILs will still be timed using the in-game timer).
You can access the new autosplitter by deactivating and reactivating in Edit Splits. Get the autosplitter, if you didn't already ->
No Major Glitches rules revamp
No Major Glitches rules were updated to include all disallowed glitches instead of all allowed glitches. Hopefully that makes this category less confusing. Also running with TVs in Level 188 Expanded is allowed with these new rules.
关卡: The End
关卡: Habitable Zone
关卡: Run for your life!
关卡: Danger Zone