Drop Spreadsheets for farming.
6 years ago
Victoria, Australia

So, Essentially I've been bothered for quite a while by the fact that everyone just farms the same things for the most part (IE. spend 5 hours on ISIS and get fuck all), and the only real resource we have for looking up drop chances is TEA, so I took it upon myself to compile data from TEA for the duels that I considered worth looking at in the farming phases specifically into a more digestible spreadsheet.

This is by no means saying that farming something outside of this spreadsheet is bad, or that the numbers mean you HAVE to farm a certain way, but I think it's useful information to have, and may help some of the newer people in terms of knowing where to go and what to do.

Below are links to the html spreadsheet, which I find to be the easiest way to read it, and the original ods file in case anyone wanted to edit the formatting, or do their own research on other duels and add to it. Hope this helps someone, peace.

P.S. Here is a google doc I just decided to throw up as well, since I know a lot of people love those.


Edited by the author 5 years ago
Victoria, Australia

so someone pointed out that my math was incorrect (I missed one dragon drop on both isis and pegasus BCD), so I updated the sheets on googledocs, link should be the same, and here are the HTML and ODS files, for anyone who wanted something more accurate, my bad. This was never intended to be the be all and end all anyway, I'm glad that people are doing their own research, and that was really the point of this to begin with.

HTML: https://mega.nz/#!ulJDASwa!PKTJBGoVUXCCULYBMofSW-r4Ljo4TPeRD9699WnRbi8

ODS: https://mega.nz/#!P9IDzY7C!wdgTawsleJYFs9vh2r5r53HMrTu7dOTAUdQDEofl8Hw

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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