Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

hello I come to you to speak about the rule of the tale 9. It ends when we return the skull to the order of souls in the rules. Now the real end of the tale, where the quest book disappears from our boat and we get the end gold, is the death of the gold hoarder. Why did you put an end to "the sale of the skull of the gold order"?

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran5 years ago

I wanted to have a clarification of the rules

1st rule: "All the riders must be on the ship within range of the starting island or on the island for which the tale is voted."

If I translate it into my language, I understand that we must be on the ship within range of the departure island at the start of the quest or on the island we start the tall tales. (I understood that the boat must be glued to the starting island whether there is someone on board or not) That why we have more than one video to confirm that the anchor is upped after the start of the tale and to show that the boat is in the range. By doing this we were sure that there were no cheating in the rules. It's sure unfair for peoples who run alone but we have to be clear on the rules and their interpretations.

I wanted to know if the boat had to be on the starting island necessarily? or if we could place it on another island? or just make it sail? the vagueness of this precision can reduce from 4 to 5 minutes the run of tall tall 1 and tall talls 10 and I'm not talking about tall talls 8 and 9 which could lose 10-15m.

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran5 years ago

Good morning all. Could we have a new category for the new Tall Tales "The Seabound Soul"? And would it be possible to have a run where we chain the Tall Tales from 1 to 9?

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran5 years ago

Hello I come for the rules of the Shroudbreaker race: I am a French player, so I wanted to have a clarification of the rules, because I may have misunderstood them

1st rule: "All runners must be on the ship in range of the starting island or on the island the tale is voted for." If I translate it into my language, I understand that we must be on the ship when the quest begins or on an outpost. But looking at the world record, I see that the rider in the video is not located on an outpost or on his boat. Could you clarify this rule?

Rule number two: "Run ends when Shroudbreaker is returned to any mysterious stranger." Just as my English may be doubtful, time must stop once the Shroudbreaker is given or when the message at the end of the tales appears?

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran5 years ago

Hello I come for a clarification of the rules of the run Athena 100%:

  • We must sell the merchant items in the allotted time, but must it be intact?

  • Should your last sell the Athena or another loot works (Cargo merch, skull, trunk)?

About lyran
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Sea of Thieves
Sea of Thieves
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Sea of Thieves
Sea of Thieves
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Sea of Thieves
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