Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran2 years ago

Same problem as for strong classic or fof. How do you check that a wave is not missing that was clear before the start of the run? there is nothing to verify because the number of waves is not the same depending on the forts.

Skyllocks and littlebigbear like this
Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran3 years ago

good luck beat the best time of pirate life because 2 of the skips used in the run are pacht and we only had 20 to gain on our time. good luck

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

2 little thing: -The 4 medallions of TT9 are considered as loots and not as TT9 objects so technically we could do them before (and have them on the boat).@Anemion rappelle toi du marathonfinement de la règle des médaillions^^

  • the fight against the boss of the TT9 comes under the joke since we discovered that his life depended on the number of people connected at the moment of the proc. (12-13 blows of blunderbuttons).

the blows of the barrels avoid reconnection and therefore the loading time different depending on the people (we never talked about it but the deconection-reconection depends on your pc and your connection so we are not equal on the run). the concern is that it takes 5-6 barrels for the insta-kill. or to enter the 5 barrels in the room you have to go through the texture (too long to pass apart the normal path). the question is to know if the barrels are authorized for the glichless run and under what condition?

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

"As such, I also suggest adding in the rule that any quest item (necessary or not) in a story cannot be collected (or used) before starting your run. For example, you should not be authorized to collect the Hoarder gold coin before starting the TT9 and using it in your Speedrun. "

Are you only talking about tale objects? (we would always have the right to use barrels, ammunition boxes, etc.)

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

@Aliikaz sauf que sur 90% des jeu speed run en 100% tu recommence avec des save clean car "c'est les acheminement du jeux qui compte". je parle pas de faire sur la any% car la aucun intérêt.

for the English except that on 90% of the speed run game in 100% you start again with save clean because it is the routing of the games that counts. I'm not talking about doing on the any% because the no interest.

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

to be able to launch in duo the tales lock and that the blank account then to vote with it is enough that the creator of the boat is an account with the fable of unlocking

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

I'm not against showing how to do it, but my companion xbox is in French. normally it's the same place where you have to click sorry for my english if you did not have a second mail window account created in one.

@Toastiewaffles exception for the run 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 in solo sloop. I think that it is necessary to add the rules to use the blank account. (a friend showed me that we could do the same on xbox in the 2 cases just disconnect from the xbox companion and reconnect with another account) we can have up to 8 account for 1 game purchase. everyone can do it

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

@Toastiewaffles I see the use of the 2nd account a bit like the fact of starting from scratch on a new save as on the other game to run. the other advantage is that we have confirmation that the books are well read in full and well taken into count by the game (it happens that the fact of reading it too quickly does not validate in the achievement). the only time when the 2nd account will not be necessary is for solo players on the run of tales 2 to 9 because they will not be able to launch the fables with a blank account.

@Aliikaz I don't see where the problem is literally enough 2 more handles to suppress an old pirate is relaunched this same pirate you will lose like 20 seconds after each retry for the maiden moreover it would be valid only for the 100%

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Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

the other question and for the rules of 100% of the other tales. for books must the witness account only have to get the books or all the pirate? (for crews of more than 2 pirate).

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

you can delete your pirate on the second account and you can re run.

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

@Toastiewaffles create a new account is possible for everyone and does not ask to repay the game just disconnect from the "xbox companion" (this is the name of the application in French) your main account and reconnect with another account by relaunching the game then you can your new pirate. For the maiden and the 1, the 10 and the 11 fable at 100% forcing people to create a new account is a security (especially that it takes 2m ^^). as you can see the 4 accessible without having to play. ^^

for other tales asking the player to have new accounts is more complicated because it requires having made the tales before. in these cases it is enough to ask 1 of the players to have an account so the achievements on the tales are not made. because even if the tales is locked the achievement appears on the screen and we get the last item of tales.

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

I really like the idea of the 100% maiden. 2 essential thing:

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

a barrel does 100 damage if it is close enough to the boss like a full-face cannonball. before it hit the 1st week, 50 to 60 cannonballs to kill it (we could cancel its regeneration with the harpoon). So it has between 5000 and 6000pv. otherwise stack the barrel works it takes 45 to kill the boss of the tales 8 with a prock 3 people.

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

the advantage of an alliance server and that you will be the only one to kill gray marrow and that no one will bother you. allowing it will be a good idea. allowing this will avoid dead run

it will also be necessary to have each pov of the participants.

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

there are 2 things to take into account that will never be verifiable:

  • is the server a lock server (6 battleship in alliance) -How many barrels do you have the right to use?

for the first if it is authorized, good luck to obtain an alliance easily, if it is forbidden it will not be verifiable. for the second you can one shot the boss but you need 50-60 barrels. Do you allow them or not?

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Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

I managed to win 1-2s with the dash. we see the loss of control when the screen goes to the left. I have succeeded only 3 times. this is the reason why i take 1s to stop time.

Toastiewaffles likes this
Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

it's good for me

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Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

I'm not against taking it in hand to define the end. but how to retime the previous run? we can also stop the timer when the gold order disappears completely. It is the same

Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

I ask this question because taking the boat back to bring back the skull to the galleon is a run killer. you can go from 4m to 8m on a bad wind (especially since it is probably the only tale where the journey time by morrow-shore of gold boat does not change)

For me the gold horder death pop up could be the end timer because there is no interaction to do to trigger the end kinematics (edit: there is no pop up but when it makes the movements of its death the skull appears on screen. we can consider that as the end).

Toastiewaffles likes this
Champagne-Ardenne, Francelyran4 years ago

hello I come to you to speak about the rule of the tale 9. It ends when we return the skull to the order of souls in the rules. Now the real end of the tale, where the quest book disappears from our boat and we get the end gold, is the death of the gold hoarder. Why did you put an end to "the sale of the skull of the gold order"?

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