United Stateslanzaa3 years ago

timer is mostly there to aid the runner.

it is not required for verification.

best of luck.

fearvtr likes this
United Stateslanzaa4 years ago

im generally opposed to adding new categories for this game. unless im mistaken, the other routes are more less the same as any%, just with time spent collecting items and triggering events. in mario 64 it makes sense because there are crazy glitches that you let skip most of the game. layers of fear doesnt have any of that, its just running from the beginning to the end. you said showcasing the jump scares and other stuff are well placed in the game and it would basically cool to showcase. honestly that sounds more like a lets play rather than a speedrun.

if some new tech was discovered then sure it makes sense. but as it stands i dont see any purpose in adding the category other than the clog up the leaderboards.

this is all my opinion of course.

EukkMaru likes this
United Stateslanzaa4 years ago

We have added individual level runs. You guys are now free to speedrun each individual chapter in the game.

Please read the rules before running.

Good luck on runs!

Sylynn and EukkMaru like this
United Stateslanzaa4 years ago

i did something similar here

we said no to this because load times would be inconsistent between different pcs punishing runners with lower spec systems.

KaweedFul likes this
United Stateslanzaa4 years ago

option 1 is fine as the run is rta so anytime spent in menu is included in the run and this is fair to all runners.

option 2, would be pretty hard to track during the run from a verifiers perspective. id also be inclined to say that its giving you an external hardware advantage which isnt fair to others. my mouse has dpi buttons as im sure most gaming mice do however i never incorporated it into my run. i just play at high sensitivity.

as always, feel free to chime in on this folks

Sylynn likes this
United Stateslanzaa4 years ago

i think i did look at this when running the game but dont believe i found any correlation.

Playful1510 likes this
United Stateslanzaa4 years ago

Hey all im a moderator for layers of fear 1 and a former runner of this game. we have a lof1 discord for speedrunning and with the permission of the lof2 mods we have merged both games into a single community discord for all to join.

heres the link

see y'all there!

United Stateslanzaa4 years ago

Woops! updated the post/sidebar. Should be good now

United Stateslanzaa4 years ago

SRC user SoftBoyoUwU suggested a speedrunning discord for this game and even took the time to set up the basics for it. Thanks!

Link is here and in the sidebar: Look forward to having members join.

KaweedFul and YossyHop like this
United Stateslanzaa4 years ago

option two seems reasonable. do we know for certain that load times are consistent across each respective platform? anecdotally i know that ps2 loading times were wildly inconsistent depending on your model for certain games etc. that was obviously ages ago though so im sure these newer consoles are different.

if we can make a list of each load section then i suppose manually retiming each run wouldnt be as tedious.

feel free to add me on discord to discuss this further unless you think anything you say should be made public to the folks here.

YossyHop likes this
United Stateslanzaa4 years ago

ive only messed with the switch version of the game so this is an interesting find. i was not aware of the differences between the base ps4 and xbox or that the game even loaded during each painting sequence.

what might complicate matters is that the game also loads on certain doors, something that is very obvious with the switch version.

for example here, the door load time is around 4-5 seconds on the switch while on the other consoles the door opens instantly with no loading. in fact this is why i thought that the switch version would never be competitive with the other consoles, it has some long ass load times scattered throughout the run that i figured would overcome any time saved by the fast painting sequences.

so basically if we were to remove loads from the game time, one would have to find all the instances of door loads and manually count them.

as always i welcome the opinion of anyone on this subject. the console section of this leader board is pretty dry though. your run was the most recent one and that was 6 months ago. i believe only 3 total console runs were submitted in 2019.

YossyHop likes this
United Stateslanzaa5 years ago

i used to run mom ending until kaweed pointed out that father ending might be faster.

this was a while ago but im pretty sure i did some testing and father did indeed come out faster. the speech is definitely shorter by a few seconds.

United Stateslanzaa5 years ago

for me it was only the last 2 out of 3 elevators. basically you close the elevator door while holding back, and your body kind of pushes the elevator lever.

this wasnt perfect but it kind of showcases it.

YossyHop and KaweedFul like this
United Stateslanzaa5 years ago

so i messed around with it. i didnt time it or anything but indeed it seems faster at least because as you said, you skip going up and down the steps. triggering the ball to roll down seems trivial as all you need to do is adjust your position to be at the base of the stairs when the wall disappears.

hey maybe ill start running this game again lol.

cool discovery!

United Stateslanzaa5 years ago

hmm. something so simple that im not even sure if i ever tried it before. this is why new runners are great for the game. fresh minds that think outside the box.

ill have to test it later for sure but great suggestion!

MakeMiskates likes this
United Stateslanzaa5 years ago

lol well to be fair my first submitted run. looking at it, my first actual full run was nearly 35 minutes. once you get the route down the time really shaves off

United Stateslanzaa5 years ago

before i realized the paintings dictated the combination i actually just had them all memorized and would brute force it hoping i got it right on the first or second code lol. i would reset if it was the third code.

since ive played the game hundreds of times and have it memorized, i only need to know where the 4 digit is to get the rest. its mostly muscle memory at this point honestly.

yeah we had a pretty brief discussion about quitting out. its certainly faster but for the sake of keeping everything relatively fair its probably best to not have it allowed. your time will certainly get lower as you get more consistent with it. my first run was 33:50 and remember thinking to myself wow its going to be tough to lower that. and here we are lol.

best of luck.

United Stateslanzaa5 years ago

slight update. these new rules where made upon the discovery of potentially using different endings resulting in faster time. now it is generally accepted that these new endings arent viable for a speedrun, unless someone else discovers something different.

every single run on this leaderboard uses the wife/loop ending. timing for this will end upon the final sound effect/ when you lose control of the character/ screen starts to fade to black.

i seem to be only person who was actually splitting on the 'final input' so this wont affect any times on the leaderboard other than mine. in light of that, my 31:58 run will be retimed to 31:59.

KaweedFul likes this
United Stateslanzaa5 years ago

yup to everything kaweed said. i mostly pay attention to the man in the hat since it is the most visually distinct (for me). really you only need to know one of them. hat pic as kaweed said is 4. so if if the man in the hat painting is in the middle, then 4 is in the middle, aka the code is 548.

485 is the fastest code because it requires the least inputs. going back to my strategy of unlocking, as i click on the lock i get an automatic 'w' movement since i was holding it. 1 -> 2 w twice 2 -> 3 -> 4 w once 7 -> 8 w twice 3 -> 4 -> 5

note that i dont reset just because the code is unoptimal. at the absolute fastest, getting a 548 vs a 485 is less than a second difference id say.

About lanzaa
8 years ago
13 days ago
Games run
Layers of Fear
Layers of Fear (2016)
Last run 4 years ago
Layers of Fear 2
Layers of Fear 2
Last run 5 years ago
Ultraman: Towards the Future
Ultraman: Towards the Future
Last run 6 years ago
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2
Last run 7 years ago
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
Last run 5 years ago
Last run 6 years ago
Observer: System Redux
Observer: System Redux
Last run 4 years ago
Games moderated
Layers of Fear
Layers of Fear (2016)
Last action 20 days ago
Observer: System Redux
Observer: System Redux
Last action 1 year ago
Ultraman: Towards the Future
Ultraman: Towards the Future
Last action 1 year ago
Layers of Fear VR
Layers of Fear VR
Last action 4 years ago