thread: Diversity 2
l4m22 years ago

You can do such glitch but it need retiming as RGT without load(like my All Branches run)

thread: Minesweeper
l4m23 years ago

minesweepergame accept Arbiter plays but it also don't time correctly, and replaying makes mouse move fast

thread: Minesweeper
l4m23 years ago

Win xp. Mentioned in #09. Using 80386 and Win 3.1 should also be enough for such lag..

thread: Minesweeper
l4m23 years ago

If system lag then IGT can be inaccurate. (Video is an extreme case but 5%-10% usually happen. I'm bad at speedrunning so no submission)

  1. Anyone test which minesweeper lag slow down game?
  2. Do we edit time in this case?
  3. If 2, then we're more RTA, and
shai_ likes this
l4m25 years ago

For a speedrun it's hard to define "find"

thread: Speedrunning
l4m26 years ago

Assumption: same route, speedrun check player control rather than hardware price.

Consider . Using IGT is bad cuz e.g. the running near 5:00 effect the gameplay but don't count in IGT; Using RTA is bad cuz e.g 6:00 doesn't effect the game and is strongly related to computer.

Please give us a better suggestion. Like seriously, we really want one.

thread: Diversity
l4m26 years ago

Then wools aren't items, they're blocks?

thread: Diversity
l4m26 years ago

What's worse if "PLACING unintended item in container" is not allowed then noBoss Battle skip

thread: Diversity
l4m26 years ago

Seems we thought it's "No placing block", so none of us find the two Glitchless_With_Preserve break the gamerule...

l4m26 years ago

I'd say it doesn't differ enough. Slabs are cheap

ThatRaisinTho likes this
l4m26 years ago

Are (enchant, etc.)seed manu glitches?

MinecraftGaming likes this
thread: Diversity
l4m26 years ago

Tried. Getting wither effect in boss battle then go into labyrinth is a few seconds faster. Not much anyway it's only 38s the Laby Level 1

thread: Diversity
l4m26 years ago

Anyway to make use of preserve in Dropper? (tp clears you)

thread: Diversity
l4m26 years ago

No. obtaining 10 freebies may require S+Q, but getting 2 together ones don't

thread: Diversity
l4m26 years ago

But it's either allowed or not allowed for glitchless preserveless?

thread: Diversity
l4m26 years ago

or maybe the map is small enough and nether can't reach

thread: Diversity
l4m26 years ago

Is it faster to ship or nether to cactus? with or without keepinventory?

thread: Diversity
l4m26 years ago

Why I can't see it

  1. No breaking or placing items unless instructed or implied.
  2. No changing difficulty or gamemode.
  3. No typing game commands.
  4. You may not place or break blocks within this bedrock chamber. You may not use any glitches in Minecraft. You may not preserve items from the any Branch outside of that respective branch.
thread: Diversity
l4m26 years ago

For Glitchless, either allow multifreebie or add "not allowed" into the rule (general rule and all category rule both fine)

About l4m2
8 years ago
10 months ago
Games run
Diversity 2
Diversity 2
Last run 6 years ago
Last run 6 years ago