thread: Minecraft: Java Edition
If you go into the discord and open a ticket in #help they can help you with that kind of stuff
thread: Super Mario Bros.
Isn't it supposed to be frame 177 not 179?
thread: Minecraft: Java Edition
thread: Minecraft: Java Edition
thread: Super Mario Bros.
thread: Super Mario Bros.
You could go on the pellson rom, and check the framerule in the top left, make sure that you are on the right framerule by doing the other levels like you want them to.
thread: Super Mario Bros.
thread: Super Mario 64
Also what do you do wrong when your in the middle of a BLJ but mario just "cancels" it and he spins around or whatever.
thread: Minecraft: Java Edition
well basically you wanna blind travel then estimate the distance and then throw when you reached ur estimation
thread: Minecraft: Java Edition
thread: Minecraft: Java Edition
you can just look at the subtitles and see there is 10 subtitles wow and then time it like why do you need a code
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