My current any% TAS is 1:36:47. I want someone to be under 20 minutes from it. Good luck :)
I give 10$ to whoever gets this trick in a run:
You need to get the lizard to follow you while the plant resurrects so he goes on the switch. Good luck :)
Hello everyone :)
I came back from a little pause of TAS to route an any% run with the Yuke. But I discovered something: consumable effects last after loading zones in the japanese version. For this reason, japanese version is a little faster than english version.
So I kinda need your help. I have to manipulate a lot of the artifacts I find in the dungeons, but I can't recognise them when they are written in japanese. I would need to know the translation of the artifacts, could someone help me on that?
It's not a big time difference, but I would like to go as fast as possible for any%. Thank you :)
EDIT: I also need translations of the bonus points conditions
This post is just me having fun imagining someone trying to do low% no quicksave and be like "Charmander noooooooo!" each time they enounter a Pokémon in a dungeon.
Like is this category even possible? x)
In any%, isn't it faster to just heal 2 (or 3) life plants and just exit the level?
I'll be honest, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is my favorite videogame of all time. So I decided to do my best and do a Tool Assisted Speedrun ^^
This TAS is essentially the "All Dungeons Glitchless" category (for entertaining) with a bit of a twist: I play Yuke. So here, I'll post the links of my WIP :)
If you have questions/critics, I'm really open, I'm learning about this game everyday and I would love to discuss it with you guys ;)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
I'll upload Year 4 very soon. As I write this, I'm actually beggining Lynari Desert. Enjoy :D
Quick question, is reviving 3 out of the 4 plants the optimal number to fill up the Jego River? Or could we do less?
I want to propose to add the "version used" for the game, since it might vary things in the speedruns, and obviously we can better compare between different runs :)