Oh sorry, I thought than PS1 and PS2 games cannot be read on the latest version on PS3. So forget what I said about that. So I don't know if PS3is more faster than PS2.
For FF9, The PS2 90k is faster (70k version is also good). Very few people can run on PS3, so I think this console must be banished
You can also skip the song with the prince and Cornet. I don't know what to do precisely, but if you mash cross and circle fastly when L-kun leaves the scene, the song is skipped.
We are only two on console. I don't think is relevant to split the leaderboard with empty category (because lot of console, PS4/5, Xbox one/series, switch).
Maybe a glitchless category is more interesting ?
I think that is not a bad idea.
And added other DLCs too.
En effet, le temps twitch est suffisant. C'est moins pratique, surtout si d'autres personnes souhaite comparé les temps de passage mais le recalcul, c'est toujours possible.
Après, sur PS4, il est possible d'utiliser la lecture à distance. Ensuite, avec OBS, tu fais la capture classiquement et c'est parti pour le stream ou l'enregistrement. A voir pour l'input lag.
Oh yes, you're right. I don't see the rule.
For another game (FF9), lately, retroarch is accepted (retroarch with ReArmed). And epsxe is not authorized... I don't try to understand the difference between emulator and game^^
Maybe your problem come with the configuration of emulators ? epsxe or psx 1.13 work with others games ?
I've try with psX 1.13, but I met a problem on few fight (no ennemies before me ????). I haven't see problem with epsxe, except input lag (I currently use this one). You can try retroarch emulator.
I don't like turbo, so I don't use it. But I don't know for the others. I don't know either if someone has already use turbo during a run.
You need to find a decrypted rom.
For information, Citra is more faster than the real console. And depending on the PC, you can also find speed differences.
Watch run if you know more about this speedrun and don't hesitate to ask.
Good luck with the learning and running :)
But for now, the loading time is very short. And no remove loader / autosplitter is available since the last update
What Alien clip are you talking about ? The first acid worm ? Humongo crawler (I never beat him normally, even the first time I played) ? Maybe heart of hive ?
If a new big update is coming, I think I return on the speedrun at this moment
Thank you for the new autosplitter. It works perfectly for the last satan.
But I see the problem during the other cutscene like TerrorKrawler. The timer stop during the cutscene and restart with the same time after the fight/split.
I've verified, the "old" autosplitter do the same thing
Thank You for autosplitter and remove loader. It's very useful. when I will beating my PB in RTA, I will submitting a time.