North Carolina, USAFlannelKat1 year ago

Okay first off - sorry about my absence. I see I recently received head of this board.

Truth be told - my absence was the 1 trip boards. They're not something I wanted in the first place and had no interest in verifying those runs and most of the runs being submitted were one off runners just getting a quick time on a board that didn't take any effort.

I'm archiving that particular category for now. The runs still exist in said archive so they're immortalized forever there.

Thanks for understanding and happy running!

PeaceEgg likes this
North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago


Looking through the categories for Pac Land, our full game boards have plenty of activity and our ILs have a noticable lack of activity.

I'd like to ask the community how we feel about these and if we'd like to remove them.

Currently we have 2 IL runs on the board with a 3rd pending approval and that's across all consoles and all trips. So that's an astronomical amount of empty boards.

It's clear the people that take running the game seriously are running 4 trip and 8 trip categories and I don't feel like much would be lost if we dropped the ILs.

Curious as to what others think. If there's a strong argument for keeping them, I'd love to hear it.

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat2 years ago

Now that we've got some new blood in the modship of the game i'd like to propose the following:

The Any% Categories moved to be the main categories that would first show on the leaderboard and the 50k score categories (Both NES and Arcade) moved to the end of the list or to a misc category.

My main reasoning for this is that the 50k Score category, while it does have more runners, does not complete the game nor come anywhere close to completing the game.

While it's not uncommon for arcade games to have a "high score" category - these are usually reserved for endless games that do not have a reasonable win state. Tower of Druaga is absolutely not one of these games.

For a game that can be beaten I've found it very strange that this category exists at all, let alone be the main category of the game.

I'm sure people put genuine work into it, so I don't think we should be getting rid of this entirely. Just moved to later in the list or a misc category.

I'll make no changes without the agreement of the other members of the mod team, of course. I'd love to hear everyone's opinion.

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat3 years ago

Hey y'all!

So - when you browse to this page it defaults to showing you Arcade 8 Trips and you're greeted with a depressing "There are no runs"

Looking at all our categories, TG-16 4 Trips has the most runs, far and away. Can we update this so when you browse to this page, it defaults to showing you the TG-16 console first along with the 4-Trip category?

I think it would go a long way in showing that "hey people do run this game" and make things not seem so barren.

Also - I've been toying with the Lynx version. Think we can add a board for 4 Trip / 8 Trip on the Lynx? This request is less important than the "update the primary console" request.

PeaceEgg and LattMackey like this
North Carolina, USAFlannelKat3 years ago


Can we get an intellivision board for this added?

Both PeaceEgg and I have been working on a Full Treasure List run for that - my current PB is 7:48!

I'm not going to push for arcade at the moment, although I'd like to do that eventually. Feel free to add if if you're feeling it.

But gosh arcade is tough.

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat3 years ago

What does the Warpless part of this requirement mean? I don't see anything in the rules explaining and i'm more or less curious.

Just started learning this run so I'm excited to play it more!

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat4 years ago

Hey y'all!

I have a run ready to submit for a TG16 version of this leaderboard - would y'all mind creating it? It's definitely not similar enough to either genesis or SNES so it'd have to be it's own thing.


NeoKad likes this
North Carolina, USAFlannelKat4 years ago

Hello Friends!

I have been toying with the PC Engine version - which is WILDLY different from all the other versions of Tower of Druaga out there.

I noticed y'all don't have a leaderboard for the PCE version (despite using it's box art as the cover art for the page.)

Would you mind making a leaderboard for it?

I've routed getting every single main treasure - mainly the important treasure in each room (that has one) and have been running this. It's fun to solve the puzzle in each room as quickly as possible, especially once you start putting stats into speed.

I unfortuantely don't have a recorded run, but I did an offline run just now and came in at 26:25. I intend to do a run on stream within a week so i'll have a real thing to submit.

So, the category i'm making here is specifically: "All Main Treasures (PCE-Easy)"

It's got other runnable categories but like - i'm not doing those and don't want to crowd the leaderboard.

As well, happy to moderate the PCE stuff that comes in if you want to make me a mod of some sort. (If you can even do per category)

Thanks y'all, happy to answer any questions about this very unique version of this game. <3

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat5 years ago

Hey y'all.

So this board has seen a ton of activity lately and it makes me so happy that y'all are enjoying this game as much as I did when I founded the board.

But I know I am not the most responsive mod and don't pay that much attention to SRCOM.

If any of y'all would like to be a mod here or just take over the page, I am happy to turn it over.

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat7 years ago

Hey all,

Was messing around last night and was able to replicate this a few times. Basically renders King Dice 100% useless after you finish his Dice phase.

Steps seem to be as simple as: finish dice phase, wait for card attack, jump and use level 1 super.

Next time he uses the card attack - he will sit there with his hands walking in place and no cards will come out. I've been able to do this 3 times and haven't really seen it fail? Any more insight would be neat.

Clip is here:

North Carolina, USAFlannelKat7 years ago

So I've been doing runs on the NES Classic Mini and I see other boards have that listed as a console - any chance we can have that added as a possible console?

I've just been using NES [Emu] in the meantime and overall - this request isn't a big deal.

Just figure i'd put it out there for clarity's sake.

About FlannelKat
8 years ago
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Last run 1 year ago
Mighty Gunvolt
Mighty Gunvolt
Last run 7 years ago
Marble Madness II:  Marble Man
Marble Madness II: Marble Man
Last run 2 years ago
Last run 2 years ago
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Last run 7 years ago
Last run 3 years ago
Yolanda: The Ultimate Challenge
Blaster Master Zero
Blaster Master Zero
Last run 7 years ago
Games followed
Blue Blink
Blue Blink
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Wai Wai World 2: SOS!! Parsley Jou
Stair Quest
Stair Quest
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Yolanda: The Ultimate Challenge
Yolanda: The Ultimate Challenge
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Fray In Magical Adventure
Fray In Magical Adventure
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Tetris Battle Gaiden
Tetris Battle Gaiden
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