BnH2476 years ago

Yes, loading times, gameplay and it's local co-op that would require the same platform, I don't believe PC can play with a console player even locally.

WiiSuper likes this
BnH2476 years ago

Due to increase in popularity this game will now have it's own discord to prevent flooding the forums and for those who are interested in contacting myself and future mods in a more timely manner. Again, I do not follow forum posts closely, my contact information is always public.

BnH2476 years ago

Step one - turn off cloud sync for the game on steam

Step two - find the game save and delete it

C:\Users"your desktop ID"\AppData\LocalLow\MutantEntertainmentStudios\5_6ICBING

or you can just type in Mutant in your overall PC directory to find the folder.

Step three - restart steam and start the game.

BnH2476 years ago

It will be a separate category since it was not apart of the original game and I will add the levels to the IL board

BnH2476 years ago

No there isn't a discord and there is no way to make the game have less RNG, the only shorter category would be running an individual chapter.

BnH2476 years ago

Wasn't sure if anyone was going to be interested but yeah I can add IL's just let me know your interests as I would assume you are thinking campaign IL's as well as arcade IL's with the different difficulties and what not.

BnH2476 years ago

I don't remember if this applies to bodyguards but try summoning a body guard captain and attack him until he turns on you and die that way.

BnH2476 years ago

Yeah picking up that fast travel is important, allows you to access any nearby events for captains and seems to be the most reliable method so far

BnH2476 years ago

Oh that explains why I kept getting my guy over and over, hmm, that is interesting, yeah we'll need to figure that out

BnH2476 years ago

Yeah man I tried in the same settings, different settings, just about anything I could think of to try and trigger this, is there a specific skill or bow you have that triggers the ability to do this? Have you tried it on a new file to see if its even possible early game, it might be a fluke but I haven't tried using a macro yet but why bother since that wouldn't be allowed anyways.

BnH2476 years ago

Yeah that was going to be my question too, I haven't run into a nemesis issue since my casual play through

BnH2476 years ago

From my experience it's a timed event of anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute later, so after dominating each captain you can expect him to come and make sure you aware because he can make nearby captains disappear unfortunately but it can also cause some weird bugs based on the terrain that you are on when the encounter starts.

BnH2476 years ago

Under 4 hours would require recruitment to have 4 easy captains to dominate consistently following good rng for every single point of the rest of the run so that's not the most reliable time expectation unless skips/glitches are found. Every glitch hunter I've known will usually break the game before they even start any runs but the stigma surrounding this game will scare people off regardless.

It's not even really about beating people, it's about beating the RNG you got in your previous runs. This isn't the best speed game and I have no doubt any of our current runners will have anything but fantastic execution after a few runs but that doesn't matter if you get captains that lose you 2-5 minutes because of their stats in just about any Act II/III mission, mainly sieges. The focus should be on finding glitches/skips and methods to reduce these issues as much as possible and seeing if there's a way to manipulate the RNG you get with captains such as starting a siege with defenders makes captain A, B, C spawn or spawns more shieldbearers, tanks, assassins, etc. Possible patterns or a way of starting a pattern, just looking for things like that would help quite a bit.

You can manage with in-game currency, you just have to be careful on those sieges and once all of your forts are steadily upgraded with good defense and you dominated decent captains mid siege/defend, the rest of the missions go by smoother, it's still a bit of a challenge though.

BnH2476 years ago

That could be a possibility but I'm wondering how it will work with future patches and what not, if there's any restrictions or barriers to this, when the community is inactive and any new runners wanting access to this, etc.

BnH2476 years ago

Need all details, not working for me still, could be an fps thing, vsync full screen etc, list all settings and what system you're playing it, i tried the method in the video every which way so theres something missing

BnH2476 years ago

If you can provide a video demonstrating this arrow glitch and the inf skill point glitch (if it works) that would be great because at the moment I am not able to figure out the infinite arrow glitch you are describing and can't replicate the infinite skills glitch either.

BnH2476 years ago

Fellowship Shadows Of Past The Seeing Stone Knife In The Dark No Mans Land Rain Of Arrows Traitors Gate The Arena Before Dawn The Fall Ring Of Power WK's Vision Violent Nature Recruiting The Etten Conquest/FP

At this point you have access to Carnan's Bane but you can do the Cirith Siege with no issues since it's the lowest level siege with very little required and being a higher level helps for completing the mission faster.

Cirith Siege

Carnan's Bane (completing this unlocks Frozen Flame)

Allies (unlocks bloodsport)

Blood Sport (unlocks Seregost Siege)

Seregost Siege

Frozen Flame (is in the same zone, required and gives an advantage for the next missions where stats matter)

The Best Defense (unlocks damaged) Damaged

These next missions just unlock 1 after the other (these are done later so that Nazgul 1 Cycle fights are "possible," much easier and faster).

  1. Tower Of Sorcery
  2. The Scourge
  3. Fire And Fury
  4. Gravewalkers

Gorgoroth Siege (final siege and done last because it has higher level and stat requirements to clear faster and it's right next to the final mission)

The travel distance and back tracking is taken into consideration for the order of the missions as well.

The Bright Lord (final mission)

BnH2476 years ago

It's always a controversy with these types of games but everywhere I had looked everyone said the ending was after defeating Sauron so that's why I made that as any% considering that not all games have to reach credits to count as any% so in this case my initial impression is that defeating Sauron is the cannon ending with certain articles stating that the shadow wars is "post-game" so essentially whatever decision is made would just be more of a personal choice unfortunately, I never like games that put confusion toward where the actual ending is at it's nice to just look at it and see it matches with a general system.

Well, I respect your opinion Acefrog but to me that's kind of how it goes in other regards like - one day someone will get all good RNG and hold world record, with or without loot boxes and this game at least offers in-game currency to do so, the game's fastest time is achieved by using in-game currency for quick captains/upgrades. The flip side to that is you add a ton of time to the run if this wasn't allowed because you either would run around to recruit captains, get lucky enough to have some or well, no captains to recruit mid siege or you would have to painfully run and gun the sieges which would take quite a bit longer and if you get bad rng, extremely difficult. It's an RNG mess no matter what and using the in-game currency to me is the lesser of two evils. The compromise would essentially have to be different categories/subcategories in the end if there's no agreement.

After 2/3 runs I figured out you pretty much need to do everything that appears on the overhead map and doing different missions allow the next part of the chain to unlock but in my run I did missions in a specific order to gain more experience to blow through sections where a higher level is extremely beneficial. The Bright Lord didn't unlock until I did all missions, captures, etc on the overhead map, you are able to skip some of the sub missions that appear after sieges though, all the missions in my splits are required.

BnH2476 years ago

There's A LOT of controversy surrounding this game, some people didn't even buy it because of the Warner Bro's drama so I was already surprised there was a few people who even had interest in this game. I got a pretty solid any% run (uploading now) to the point of where I'm done with that category because of how much RNG there is in the game, it's ridiculous, the entire game especially Act II can vary by 5 - 15 minute margins, hell you could could probably do 3 runs with the best execution you could ever hope for but always be in the red because a lot of different reasons. If you are running this game it's because you want the adventure and the experience because it is fun to run but sure as hell not fun if you look at it from a competitive standpoint, that's just silly.

I'll be attempting True Ending when I have time but I literally have to wait for one of my days off because of how long it could potentially be, I'd say any% can reliably be around 4:40 ish and then Act 4 could just tack on many more hours depending on the rng you get but True Ending in my opinion would just be more of an achievement than a speedrun haha, should be interesting.

thread: BLACK
BnH2476 years ago

@kamepa , I clicked on the wrbot post for this game out of curiosity to see what it was and stumbled upon this post after reading what Kromer wrote in his vods.

So I read the forums to see the conversations and while Kromer could have worded his post better so it might not come off as a rude response even to a potentially rude comment/situation, his suggestions and arguments still have to be considered as valid claims because this is a Global Leaderboard and part of the speedrunning community as a whole. Any game can blow up or have 3-10 runners come in to run it out of nowhere and I have seen this happen for a few games that are very old so it's important to setup a strong foundation from the start now that the sr community is rapidly growing especially if you look at the This is a growing and evolving community meaning that members should strive toward representing themselves and the community in a positive manner and even more so if you moderate a game because a general expectation would be to set a positive example. I can feel for you if you have something going on in your personal life that caused you to extend some frustration in this domain which is what I suspect happened but I would encourage you to look at things differently if you want to be apart of the community. If any of your recent posts were directed toward ROMaster2 , that is a shining example of misplaced hate/anger/frustration, if you weren't aware there is very few full mods of this site and those who have it have been with the speedrunning community for a long time and for charity events, races, discussions for rulesets/terminology and so much more. A lot of the things they do, they do not have to do. Blowing past regular courtesy is one thing but throwing out a statement like "Coming in here and acting like the head mod won't get you anywhere" is toxic, counterproductive and may actually result in being removed as a moderator for this game or even from the site if any unacceptable behaviors/actions persist because none of what he said was unreasonable or disrespectful,he is merely extending whatever measures are necessary to take care of the community as a whole.

Kromer likes this
About BnH247
8 years ago
4 years ago
Games run
Last run 7 years ago
Cars 3: Driven to Win
Cars 3: Driven to Win
Last run 6 years ago
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Warhammer: Vermintide 2
Warhammer: Vermintide 2
Last run 6 years ago
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus (2018)
Last run 6 years ago
Gemini: Heroes Reborn
Gemini: Heroes Reborn
Last run 8 years ago
Last run 6 years ago
Last run 7 years ago